लम्बा lambā[Prk. लम्बओ=S. लम्ब+कः], adj. (f. -ī), Long, tall; expanded, great, large; spacious, capacious;—s.m. A tall (or big) fool:—lambā-ćauṛā, adj. (f. -ī), Long and wide; spacious, roomy, capacious, vast:—lambāsafar, s.m. A long journey; the journey from this world to the next:—lambākarnā(-ko), To make long, to lengthen, extend; stretch out;—to permit to go; to dismiss; to remove, drive away; to beat, drub:—lambāhonā, or lambe bannā, v.n. To be off, make off, make oneself scarce:—lambe muṅh-seor lambe muṅh karke) khānā, To eat with keen appetite or with zest, to eat with avidity:—lambītānnāor tāndenā, To stretch ooneself out full length (on the ground or on a bed, etc.); to lie down, to take repose; to be stretched out in death;—lambī-ćauṛīkarnā, or hāṅknā, To tell a long story;—to talk big, to boast, brag:—lambīsāṅs bharnā, To heave a deep sigh (over or for); to lament, regret, repent;—to breathe hard (as a dying man).
Origin: Hindi