’aish (inf. n. of عیش 'to live'; 'to live a pleasant life'), s.m. (orig.) 'Life; animal life'; a life of pleasure and enjoyment, pleasure, delight, luxury; gratification of the appetites, sensuality; carnal intercourse:—’aish uānā, or ’aish karnā, v.n. To enjoy oneself; to revel in pleasure, or in sensual enjoyments:—’aish-kābanda, s.m. The slave of pleasure; a sensualist, a sybarite:—’aish-gāh, s.f. or ’aish-maḥal, s.m. Place or house of enjoyment or pleasure;—’aish-maḥal, Banqueting-house;—the inner or women's apartments of the house of a person of wealth or rank:—’aish-o-jaish, s.m. Joy and delight, pleasure, merriment, excessive pleasure:—’aish-o-’ishrat, s.f. or ’aish-onashāt, s.m. Pleasantness of life; luxurious enjoyment; sensual pleasures, voluptuousness, etc.
Origin: Arabic