ँयाम śyām, adj. (f. -ā), Black, darkcoloured; dark-blue, dark-brown, brown; darkgreen, green; dark, shady, dusky;—s.m. Black, brown, etc. (the colours); a cloud; the Indian cuckoo (syn. ko`il); an epithet of the sacred figtree at Allahabād (called also akshay-vriksh, 'the imperishable tree'); a species of grain, Panicum frumentaceum;—the thornapple;—sea-salt; pepper:—śyām-bhās, adj. (f. -ā), Of a brilliant black, glossy black, black as jet:—śyām-rag, adj. (f. -ā), & s.m. Black; dark-blue, etc. (=syām):—śyām-sundar, s.m. lit.'Dark and beautiful'; an epithet of Krish:—śyām-kar, adj. & s.m. (f. -āor -ī), Black-eared;—any black-eared creature:—śyām-kar-ghoā, s.m. 'A black-eared horse,' a horse suitable for the horse-sacrifice (aśvamedha):—śyām-ghaā, s.f. A collection of black clouds:—śyām-var= śyām-rag, q.v.