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िषर sir[Prk. िसरं; S. िशरः], s.m. Head, skull, pate; top, highest part or point, summit, crown, pinnacle; beginning, commencement;—adv. At the beginning:—sir-uṭhāte-hīpā-māl ho-jānā, To be crushed in the commencement of one's undertaking:—sir-uṭhā-ke ćalnā, To walk with the head on high; to walk on tip-toe; to walk conceitedly, to strut, to look big (syn. akaṛnā):—sir uṭhānā, v.n. To raise the head; to rise up; to look up; to exalt oneself; to rise (against), to make head (against), to rebel, mutiny, revolt; to be refractory or contumacious; to be contentious or quarrelsome:—sir ānā(-ke), To get into the head (of), to take possession (of one,—an evil spirit, etc.):—sir-āṅkhoṅ-paror sir-āṅkhoṅ-se, adv. With all (one's) heart and soul, most willingly, most cordially or cheerfully:—sir bāṅdhnā, To tie up the hair, to plait or braid the hair:—sir-bojhī, s.m. One who carries a load or bundle on his head:—sir bhārīhonā, 'The head to be heavy,' to have a headache; to be giddy:—sir-paṭakhnā, To dash the head (against the ground); etc. (=sir mārnā), q.v.:—sir-par, adv. On the head (of); close at hand:—sir-par uṭhā-lenā, To raise (a house, etc., with noise), to cause a tumult or confusion, to make a great noise:—sir-par ćaṛhānā, v.t. To make much of, to show respect to; to spoil (a child, etc.); to raise an inferior above oneself:—sir-par ćaṛhnā(-ke), To be spoilt by kindness or indulgence, to impose on (one's) goodness or kindness; to behave with extreme rudeness or incivility (to), to insult, treat with indignity;—to be possessed (by an evil spirit):—sir-par ćhappar rakhnā(-ke), To place a thatched roof on the head (of), to lay a great burden (on), to impose (on); to lay (one) under an obligation:—sir-par ḵẖāk ḍālnā(-ke), 'To throw ashes or dust on the head,' to mourn, lament:—sir-par dhammāl honā, To have a stamping or noise going on over head; to be distracted by noise; to be burdened or bowed down (by difficulties, etc.):—sir-par rakhnā, v.t. To place on the head; to treat with great respect, to honour, revere:—sir-par kālīhāndīrakhnā(colloq.), lit.'To place a black pot on the head'; to be disgraced, be defamed; to become shameless:—sir-par hāth dharnā(-ke), To place the hand on the head (of); to take under (one's) protection or care, to foster, to patronize:—sir-piṛāt, s.f. Headache:—sir paṛnā(-ke), To fall on the head (of), to devolve (on):—sir pakaṛnā(-kā), To hold the head (of); to comfort, console; to help:—sirphaṭauwaror phatauwal, s.f. 'Head-breaking'; wrangling, fighting;—affectation of civility with internal hatred:—sir phirānā, To turn or move about the head in arduous exertion, to labour or strive in vain:—sir phirnā= sir ghūmnā, q.v.:—sir phūṭnā, v.n. 'Head to be broken'; a great fight to occur;—to have a splitting headache;—to have the menses:—sirphoṛ-kar lenā= sir-toṛkar lenā, q.v.:—sir phoṛnā(-kā), To break the head (of), crack or split the skull (of); to wrangle, quarrel, fight;—to rack (one's own) brains, to labour or strive in vain:—sir-phoṛī, s.f. A splitting headache;—brain-racking work, absurd or vain labour:—sir phernā(-se), To turn away the head or face (from), to prove refractory, to revolt, rebel:—sir-pe biṭhānā= sir-par rakhnā, q.v.:—sir pīṭnā, To beat the head (in trouble or anguish), to mourn, lament, regret:—sir-pe lenā, v.t. To take upon oneself, to be responsible (for); to risk (one's) life (for):—sir toṛ-kar lenā, v.t. lit.'To break the head and take,' to take (a thing) by force or violence; to extort (money, etc.) by threatening to torture oneself:—sir toṛnā(-kā), To break the head (of=sir phoṛnā, q.v.); to subdue:—sir thakānā(apnā), To weary (one's) brain, to bother or trouble ooneself:—sir ṭūṭnā= sir-phūtnā, q.v.:—sir-ṭhaṭhawwaror ṭhaṭhawwal, s.m. Salutation (with displeasure):—sir-juṛā, adj. lit.'Headsjoined'; (in Bot.) connate;—sir joṛnā, or sirjoṛke baiṭhnā, To lay (their) heads together, to hold a council or meeting; to plot together;—to live in peace:—sir-jhāṛmuṅh-pahāṛ, s.m. lit.'Having a bushy head and a monstrous mouth'; an ogre, a fiend:—sir jhukānā, To bend down the head; to bow, nod; to be obedfent or submissive, to submit; to be humbled or humiliated:—sir ćapeknā, v.t. To lay on the head (of another, -ke):—sir-ćaṛhā, adj. Spoilt (by indulgence, etc.); proud, haughty, arrogant, insolent, beyond control; rude, saucy:—sir ćaṛhānā, v.t. 'To place on the head'; to make much of; to pet or spoil (a child, etc.); to exalt, honour, revere, reverence;—to offer oneself as a sacrifice, to devote ooneself;—to hold (one's, apnā) head high, to assume, to be arrogant:—sir-ćaṛh-ke bolnā, To talk under the influence (of an evil spirit, etc.):—sir-ćaṛh-ke marnā, To die laying the guilt of one's blood at the door (of another):—sir ćaṛhnā(-ke, or mere), 'To mount on the head' (of); to take advantage (of), impose upon, take liberties (with), to be rude or insolent (to); to tyrannize (over);—to be placed or debited to the account (of); to be attributed or imputed (to):—sir-ćoṭ, adj. (colloq.) lit.'Head-hurting'; tedious, wearisome; excessive, burdensome; hard, difficult;—adv. At once, immediately:—sir ćīrnā(-kā), To split the skull (of);—to insist on having one's own way:—sir-dharā, or sirdharū, s.m. Head of a village, quarter, or family, etc.; patron, master:—sir dharnā, 'To place (one's) head low,' to be submissive or obedient:—sir dhunnā, or sir ḍulānā(apnā), To shake or beat one's head (from affliction, etc.), to mourn (=sir pīṭnā, q.v.):—sir-ḍūb, s.m. Deep water above a man's head;—adj. Enough to drown;—perfectly wet:—sir ḍhāṅknāor ḍhaknā(-kā), To deflower, to violate (a virgin):—sir ḍhakājānā(-kā), To be deflowered, to be violated:—sir rangnā(-kā), 'To colour the head,' to make the head bleed:—sir rahnā(-ke). To apply (oneself) steadily (to), to persevere; to follow persistently or doggedly (after):—sir-se sirwāhor sirwāhā, lit'The turban for the head'; the conducting of an affair depends on the leader or head; followers fare as their chief:—sir-se kafan bāṅdhnā, 'To wrap the winding-sheet round the head'; to engage in a desperate undertaking, to hold one's life in one's hand:—sir-sīṅgh, adj. & s.m. Rebellious, mutinous, turbulent;—a rebellious or turbulent fellow:—sir-sehrāhonā, To be the head or leader (of), to have the badge of honour or distinction:—sir kāṛhnā, To become conspicuous:—sir-kaṭā, adj. & s.m. (f. -ī), Beheaded, decapitated, headless;—a decapitated or headless man:—sir karnā, v.t. To lay on the shoulders (of, -ke), to make liable;—to set by the ears;—v.n. To do the hair:—sir-ko ānā, To turn (on or upon), to attack:—sir-ko qadam karnā, To go quickly but with respect:—sir khānā(-kā), 'To devour one's head'; to worry, pester, tease;—to make a great noise:—sir-khap, adj. & s.m. 'Head-destroying,' risking the head or life, intrepid, bold, fearless, resolute (soldier), venturesome, adventurous;—one who risks his life, a fearless or intrepid or resolute man:—sir khapānā, 'To destroy the head,' to put one's heador life at stake; to trouble or bother (one's) head:—sir-khapī, s.f. Placing the head at stake, venturesomeness, intrepidity, daring, resoluteness; perseverance, enterprise:—sir khujānā, To scratch the head;—to court punishment:—sir-ke balor bhal, adv. On the head, head-foremost, headlong, amain:—sir-ke zor, adv. With all (one's) might; impetuously; head-foremost, headlong:—sirgirī, s.f. Comb (of a cock), crest (of a bird):—sir-gūṅdhī, s.f. The Hindūmarriage ceremony of braiding a bride's hair for the first time:—sir goṛon-meṅ(or ghuṭnoṅ-meṅ) denā, To place the head on the feet or knees, to be dejected or downcast:—sir ghūmnā, The head to be in a whirl, to suffer from vertigo; the head to be turned, to be insane:—sir lagnā(-ke, or mere), To be accused (of), be charged (with);—to suffer hardship:—sir-māthā, s.m. Nodding assent, assent:—sir mārnā, To beat the head; to rack the brains, to make strenuous efforts, to try hard, take great pains; to make diligent search:—sir-manj, s.m. A gem or jewel worn in a crest or upon the head:—sir-munḍā, adj. & s.m. Having the head shaven;—one whose head is shaved, a shaveling;—a shaven crown:—sir munḍānā(-kā, or apnā), To have or get the head shaved;—to adopt the life of a mendicant or devotee:—sir mūnḍnā(-kā), To shave the head (of); to cozen, cheat, fleece:—sir-meṅbāl honā, v.n. (colloq.) To have hair on the head; to be able to endure or suffer:—sir-meṅ ḵẖāk ḍālnā= sir-par ḵẖāk ḍalnā:—sir-meṅkhānā, v.t. To get or receive it (viz. a blow) on the head:—sir nānā, To bend or bow the head, make obeisance, etc. (=sir-jhukānā):—sir-nā`ī, s.f. Bowing the head, obeisance:—sir na pair, adv. Neither head nor foot (to it), without foundation, groundless:—sir nawānā, sir nīćākarnā, To lower the head; to be dejected; to be abashed or ashamed; to be humbled or humiliated (syn. sir jhukānā):—sir-vindu, s.m. The sign Anusvāra, or ćandra-vindu:—sirhonā(kisī-ke), To be constantly at (one), to worry, pester, harass, persecute; to pursue, hunt; to stick close (to a person, or thing, or work); to fall foul (of), pick a quarrel (with); to accuse falsely; to insist (on), to persist; to be ready or eager (for); to get hold (of), come (by), grasp, pocket:—san (or lākh) sir-kā, adj. (colloq.), lit.'Having a hundred (or many) heads'; headstrong, obstinate;—possessing the brains or reason of a hundred heads:—mailesir-se honā, To be menstruant, to have the menses.
Origin: Hindi

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