सǂव sattva, सत्व satva (sat+tva), s.m. Being, existence, entity, essence, life; natural property, nature, character; thing, substance; wealth; anything of which a property may be predicated, a living or sentient being, an animal; evil being, demon, goblin, monster; (in Gram.) a substantive;—certainty, reality; breath; mind; strength, energy, vigour, power, courage, selfcommand, self-possession; goodness, virtue, excellence; the quality of purity or goodness (one of the three guṇasor properties of man and nature); any natural property or quality:—satva-raja-tam, s.m. The three guṇasor qualities, viz. satva, rajas, and tamas:—satvaguṇ, s.m. The quality of purity or goodnesś.