Previous 200 Entries24130. حفاظت 24131. حفظ 24132. حفظ 24133. حفل 24134. حق 24135. حق24136. حقا 24137. حقاءق 24138. حقارت 24139. حقارت 24140. حقانی 24141. حقنہ 24142. حقہ 24143. حقون 24144. حقیة 24145. حقیت 24146. حقیر 24147. حقیري 24148. حقیقت 24149. حقیقتًا 24150. حقیقی 24151. حك 24152. حكاك 24153. حكام 24154. حكامی 24155. حكایات 24156. حكایت 24157. حكم 24158. حكم 24159. حكم 24160. حكما 24161. حكمت 24162. حكمتی 24163. حكمی 24164. حكومت 24165. حكی 24166. حكیم 24167. حكیمانہ 24168. حكیمی 24169. حل 24170. حلاج 24171. حلال 24172. حلال 24173. حلالہ 24174. حلاوت 24175. حلبہ 24176. حلبی 24177. حلتیت 24178. حلف 24179. حلفا 24180. حلق 24181. حلقہ 24182. حلقوم 24183. حلقی 24184. حلكاري 24185. حلم 24186. حلمیة 24187. حلمیت 24188. حلہ 24189. حلہ 24190. حلوا 24191. حلواءی 24192. حلوان 24193. حلواین 24194. حلول 24195. حلوہ 24196. حلویات 24197. حلی 24198. حلیم 24199. حلیہ 24200. حماءل 24201. حمار 24202. حمار 24203. حماري 24204. حماقت 24205. حمال 24206. حمالہ 24207. حمام 24208. حمام 24209. حماما 24210. حمامی 24211. حمایت 24212. حمایتی 24213. حمد 24214. حمر 24215. حمر 24216. حمر 24217. حمرا 24218. حمق 24219. حمقا 24220. حمل 24221. حمل 24222. حملہ 24223. حمی 24224. حمیت 24225. حمید 24226. حمیدہ 24227. حمیل 24228. حمیل 24229. حنا 24230. حناءی 24231. حنجر 24232. حنجرہ 24233. حنظل 24234. حوا 24235. حوادث 24236. حوادثات 24237. حواري 24238. حواریون 24239. حواس 24240. حواشی 24241. حواصل 24242. حوالات 24243. حوالجات 24244. حوالدار 24245. حوالہ 24246. حوالی 24247. حوت 24248. حور 24249. حوري 24250. حوزہ 24251. حوصلہ 24252. حوض 24253. حول 24254. حول 24255. حولدار 24256. حویلی 24257. حی 24258. حیا 24259. حیات 24260. حیاتی 24261. حیثیت 24262. حیدر 24263. حیدري 24264. حیران 24265. حیرانی 24266. حیرت 24267. حیرتی 24268. حیز 24269. حیص بیص 24270. حیضی 24271. حیف 24272. حیفی 24273. حیلتًا 24274. حیلہ 24275. حیوان 24276. حیوانات 24277. حیوانی 24278. حیٰوت 24279. خ 24280. خا 24281. خاءف 24282. خاءن 24283. خاتم 24284. خاتمہ 24285. خاتون 24286. خاد 24287. خادم 24288. خادمان 24289. خادمہ 24290. خادمی 24291. خار 24292. خارا 24293. خارج 24294. خارجًا 24295. خارجہ 24296. خارجی 24297. خارستان 24298. خارش 24299. خارشت 24300. خارشتی 24301. خاري 24302. خازن 24303. خاستہ 24304. خاشاك 24305. خاص 24306. خاصة 24307. خاصةً 24308. خاصا 24309. خاصان 24310. خاصت 24311. خاصتًا 24312. خاصگی 24313. خاصہ 24314. خاصیت 24315. خاطب 24316. خاطر 24317. خاطرً 24318. خاطف 24319. خافی 24320. خاقانی 24321. خاك 24322. خاكا 24323. خاكستر 24324. خاكستري 24325. خاكسی 24326. خاكشی 24327. خاكناءی 24328. خاكہ 24329. خاكی


ḥaqq, vulg. ḥaq (v.n. fr. حقّ 'to be just,' etc.), adj. Just, proper, right, correct, true; suitable to reality or fact (syn. ṭhīk);—s.m. Justness, propriety, rightness, correctness, truth; reality, fact;—justice; rectitude;—equity;—right, title, privilege, claim, due, lot, portion, share, proprietorship;—duty, obligation;—behalf, benefit, interest;—the Truth, the true God:—ḥaq adākarnā(-kā), To render (one) his due, give (one) his rights; to do what is right; to perform social or domestic duties:—ḥaqqu`ssa`ī, s.m. The wages of labour, recompense for trouble:—ḥaqqu`l-`abd, s.m. 'The right of the slave'; the right of an injured individual to redress or justice:—ḥaqqu`l-lāh, s.m. 'The rights of God'; the retributive chastisement which it is the duty of the magistrate to inflict for crimes and offences against morality and religion; punishment inflicted for religious offences;—adj. Right, correct, true (e.g. ḥaqqu`l-lāh bāt kaho):—ḥaqqu`l-wāqě`a, s.m. A statement or record of facts:—ḥaqqu`nnās, s.m. The rights of man, punishment of crimes against society:—ḥaqqu`n-nāz̤irīn, s.m. What is left after a banquet for the servants and spectators (such leavings being regarded as their right):—ḥaq-bheṅṭ, s.m. Presents frequently made half-yearly by the mālguz̤ārsto native officers in authority:—ḥaq-bīnī, s.f. Seeing the truth:—ḥaqq-ě-paṭwārī, s.m. The fees payable to the paṭwārīor village accountant:—ḥaq-par laṛnā, To fight for one's rights:—ḥaq-pasand, adj. Approving what is just, right, equitable, or honest:—ḥaqq-ě-taḥrīr, s.m. The due or fee of a letter-writer:—ḥaqq-ě-taḥsīl, s.m. The right of collection; the rate, or the fee, of the officer employed to collect rents:—ḥaqq-ě-taṣnīf, s.m. Copyright:—ḥaqta`ālā, The Most High God:—ḥaq-talafī, s.f. Violation of right; perversion of justice; wrong, injury:—ḥaq-talafīkarnā(-kī), To deprive of a right, to do a wrong (to), to wrong, to act unjustly (towards):—ḥaq ṭhahrānā(-kā), To determine or adjudge a right, to pronounce to be the right (of):—ḥaq s̤ābit karnā(-par), To establish a right or claim (to):—ḥaq jānnā, v.t. To consider as right or just, to approve:—ḥaqjall-o-jalāl, The Deity in all his splendour:—ḥaq-jo, adj. & s.m. Seeking truth;—one who seeks truth:—ḥaq ćāhnā, To claim or demand a right or due:—ḥaqq-ě-ćahārum, s.m. A fourth share:—ḥaq ḥaq karnā, To cry O God! O God! (through hunger, etc.), to be very hungry, be starving;—to coo (as a dove):—ḥaq-ḥalāl, adj. Lawful, right, due:—ḥaq-ḥuqūq, s.m. Rights and dues, etc.:—ḥaqq-ě-ḥīn-ḥayāt, s.m. A lifeinterest:—ḥaqq-ě-ḵẖidmat, s.m. Right due to or earned by service:—ḥaq-dār, adj. & s.m. Having a just claim, or right, or title; rightful, just, equitable, lawful;—one possessing a right or title, holder of a right, etc.; rightful nominee;—owner, proprietor;—ḥaq-dār karnā, v.t. To give (one) a claim (to, -kā), to entitle (one, -ko, to a thing, -kā):—ḥaq-dārī, s.f. The holding any right or privilege, the right of claim, or privilege, or property; ownership:—ḥaq dabānā(-kā), To deprive of a right, to usurp a right, to dispossess wrongfully:—ḥaqqě-daḵẖīl-kārī, s.f. Right of occupancy:—ḥaq denā(-ko), To give (one) his right or due, to concede a right; to administer justice:—ḥaqrasī, s.f. Justice, redress, relief, remedy, deliverance from wrong; the ends of justice:—ḥaqq-ě-ri`āyā, s.m. Right of the subject;—tenant-right:—ḥaqq-ě-zamīndārī, s.m. The rights and interests of landowners, proprietary right of a zamīndār:—ḥaqq-ě-sar-ba-rāh, s.m. The right of management (as of the head of a village to conduct its affairs):—ḥaqq-ě-sarkār, s.m. The right of Government to a share of the crops, or a money commutation:—ḥaq-se, adv. Justly, rightly, fairly, honestly; deservedly:—ḥaq-shinās, adj. & s.m. Rendering to everyone his due; able to appreciate and ready to reward; knowing and performing (one's) duty;—grateful;—one who renders to everyone his due, etc.:—ḥaq-shināsī, s.f. Knowledge of what is right, or of God; gratitude:—ḥaqq-ě-shuf`a, s.m. Right of pre-emption:—ḥaqq-ě-qā`immaqāmī, s.m. The right of being represented by another:—ḥaqq-ě-qadāmat, s.m. The right of long-established or immemorial usage or custom; a prescriptive right:—ḥaq-ko pahuṅćnā, To obtain a right or due; to recover (one's) property:—ḥaq-guz̤ār, adj. & s.m. Conveying or imparting the truth; doing what is right or just; honest, sincere;—grateful;—one who does what is right or just, etc.; an administerer of justice:—ḥaq-guz̤ārī, s.f. Imparting or representing of truth or fact; administering of justice; uprightness, honesty, sincerity; gratitude:—ḥaq-go`ī, s.f. Truthspeaking, truthfulness:—ḥaq lenā(-kā), ḥaq mārnā(-kā), To deprive (one) of a right or due, to wrong, injure, defraud:—ḥaqq-ě-māl, s.m. Right to property:—ḥaqq-ě-mālikāna, s.m. Proprietary right:—ḥaqq-ě-murajja, s.m. Preferential right:—ḥaqq-ě-murawwaja, s.m. Customary due:—ḥaqq-ě-milkīyat, s.m.=ḥaqqě-māl, q.v.:—ḥaq-meṅ, adv. In respect (of, -ke), with respect (to), as regards, as to, about; in behalf (of), for:—ḥaqq-ě-nā-tamām, s.m. An imperfect title:—ḥaq-nā-ḥaq, adv. Right or wrong, per fas et nefas, by fair means or foul;nolens-volens; wrongfully, unjustly, without cause or reason:—ḥaqq-o-murāfiq, s.m. Rights and interests:—ḥaq honā(-kā), To belong of right, be the right or due (of), to belong or appertain (to);—to die:—ḥaq hai, al-ḥaq,. It is true; very true:—dūdh-kā ḥaq, s.m. The rights of a mother.
Origin: Arabic

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