छड़ी ćhaṛī[ćhaṛ, q.v.+S. इका], s.f. A switch, stick, wand, rod, cane, a walkingstick;—a procession of the followers of Shāh Madār;—ćhariyāṅ, pl. A kind of embroidery resembling a branch with twigs and shoots;—trimmings; stripes;—a Hindūmarriage ceremony in which the bride and bridegroom playfully beat each other with sticks covered with flowers on the fourth day after marriage (see ćauthī):—ćhaṛī-dār, s.m. The marshal who walks before people of consequence with the mace or wand of office, a mace-bearer (=ćobdār):—phūl-ćhaṛiyāṅ, s.f. pl. Sticks covered with flowers.
Origin: Hindi