घुसना ghusnā[ghus˚= Prk. घुस˚, fr. S. घुष् =घृ ष् ], v.n. To be thrust (in, -meṅ), be forced (in);—to thrust or push oneself (in), to enter forcibly; to rush (in); to pierce or penetrate (in or into);—to enter uninvited, unprivileged, or unwarranted (into or amongst, -meṅ), to intrude; to interfere, to meddle (in):—ghus-ānā, v.n. To come rushing (in, -meṅ); to thrust oneself (in):—ghus-paṛnā(-meṅ), To thrust oneself (in);—to rush headlong or rashly (into a place or an affair):—ghus-kar baiṭhnā, v.n. To sit close together.
Origin: Hindi