◀Previous 200 Entries44098. گھچاگھچ 44099. گھچپچ 44100. گھچكی 44101. گھچولنا 44102. گہر 44103. گھر44104. گہرا 44105. گہرا 44106. گھرا 44107. گہراءی 44108. گھراءی 44109. گہراپا 44110. گہراپن 44111. گھرات 44112. گھراٹا 44113. گھراري 44114. گھرامی 44115. گھران 44116. گھرانا 44117. گہرانا 44118. گہرانا 44119. گھرانا 44120. گھرانا 44121. گھرانا 44122. گھراند 44123. گہراو 44124. گھرباها 44125. گھرت 44126. گھرت 44127. گھرت 44128. گھرڑ 44129. گھرشن 44130. گھرشنی 44131. گھركا 44132. گھركنا 44133. گھركی 44134. گھرگہٹ 44135. گھرگھر 44136. گھرگھرا 44137. گھرگھرانا 44138. گھرم 44139. گھرنا 44140. گھرنا 44141. گھرنا 44142. گھرنا 44143. گھرنانا 44144. گھرنءی 44145. گھرنس 44146. گھرنی 44147. گھرنی 44148. گھرنی 44149. گہرو 44150. گھرٔو 44151. گھروا 44152. گہروار 44153. گھروالا 44154. گھروندا 44155. گہري 44156. گہري 44157. گہري 44158. گھري 44159. گھریا 44160. گھریشم 44161. گھریلا 44162. گھریلو 44163. گہڑ 44164. گہڑ 44165. گہڑا 44166. گہڑا 44167. گہڑا 44168. گہڑاءی 44169. گہڑانا 44170. گہڑاون 44171. گہڑاونا 44172. گہڑبہل 44173. گہڑت 44174. گہڑچ 44175. گہڑسنا 44176. گہڑكانا 44177. گہڑكنا 44178. گہڑكی 44179. گہڑگہڑانا 44180. گہڑگہڑانا 44181. گہڑگہڑاہٹ 44182. گہڑنا 44183. گہڑنت 44184. گہڑوا 44185. گہڑواءی 44186. گہڑوانا 44187. گہڑوچی 44188. گہڑولا 44189. گہڑونچا 44190. گہڑونچی 44191. گہڑي 44192. گہڑي 44193. گہڑیا 44194. گہڑیا 44195. گہڑیال 44196. گہڑیال 44197. گہڑیالا 44198. گہڑیالی 44199. گہڑیك 44200. گھس 44201. گھس 44202. گھسا 44203. گھسا 44204. گھسا 44205. گھسانا 44206. گھسانا 44207. گھساو 44208. گھساوٹ 44209. گھساین 44210. گھسٹنا 44211. گھسرا 44212. گھسرا 44213. گھسراند 44214. گھسڑ پھسڑ 44215. گھسڑ پھسڑ 44216. گھسڑنا 44217. گھسكی 44218. گھسكی 44219. گھسمر 44220. گھسن 44221. گھسنا 44222. گھسنا 44223. گھسنی 44224. گھسوا 44225. گھسیارا 44226. گھسیارن 44227. گھسیاڑا 44228. گھسیانا 44229. گھسیٹ 44230. گھسیٹا 44231. گھسیٹن 44232. گھسیٹنا 44233. گھسیرا 44234. گھسیڑنا 44235. گھسیلا 44236. گہك 44237. گہكر 44238. گہكنا 44239. گہكی 44240. گہكی 44241. گھگري 44242. گہگہانا 44243. گھگھر 44244. گھگھرا 44245. گھگھري 44246. گھگھو 44247. گھگھوا 44248. گھگھی 44249. گھگھیانا 44250. گھگو 44251. گھگوار 44252. گھگی 44253. گھگی 44254. گھگیانا 44255. گہگیر 44256. گہل 44257. گھلا 44258. گھلانا 44259. گھلاہٹ 44260. گھلاو 44261. گھلاوٹ 44262. گھل مل 44263. گھلن 44264. گھلنا 44265. گھلوا 44266. گھلوانا 44267. گہلوت 44268. گھماسان 44269. گہماگہم 44270. گھماگھم 44271. گھمانا 44272. گھمانا 44273. گھماو 44274. گھمبیر 44275. گھمرا 44276. گھمرول 44277. گھمري 44278. گھمڑانا 44279. گھمڑنا 44280. گھمڑي 44281. گھمس 44282. گھمسان 44283. گھمكا 44284. گھمگھما 44285. گھمگھمانا 44286. گھمگھمانا 44287. گھمگھمی 44288. گھمنا 44289. گھمنڈ 44290. گھمنڈ 44291. گھمنڈنا 44292. گھمنڈي 44293. گھمنی 44294. گھموانا 44295. گھموءی 44296. گھموري 44297. گھموي


घर ghar[Prk. घरं; S. गृ हं], s.m. House, dwelling, mansion, habitation, abode, home;—a room (in a house), an apartment;—a den; nest; hole; sty; cell; burrow;—a receptacle; frame; stand; cup; pan; case; holder; socket; groove; channel;—a drawer; till; pigeon-hole (of a desk, etc.); a compartment or division; partition;—room, space;—a square or cell (of a chessboard, almanac, etc.); a loop, loop-hole; buttonhole;—station, seat, region, quarter;—source, spring, mine, root, parent; place of origination or production, native place:—ghar ābād karnā, To take a wife; to build up a house or family, to beget children; to make a home prosperous, or cheerful, etc.:—ghar-bār, s.m. House and home; a house and premises; dwelling-place;—family; household;—household goods:—gharbār ābād honā, or ghar-bār basnā, A house to be inhabited;—to have a wife, to be married:—ghar-bār basānā, To take a wife; to consummate a marriage;—ghar-bār-kīhonā, To be the lady of a house:—ghar-bārī, s.m. A married and house-keeping man; a householder; a family man;—s.f. Housewifery, domestic concerns, family affairs:—ghar-barā`o, s.m. Household furniture, etc.:—ghar-basā, s.m. One who confines himself to the house, a stayat-home; a house-bird, home-bird; a mollcoddle;—adj. Stay-at-home; inactive; indolent:—ghar bigāṛnā, To bring ruin on a house:—ghar bigaṛnāor bigaṛ-jānā, v.n. A house to be ruined;—a wife (or husband) to die:—ghar-ba-ghar, adv. To (or in) every house; from house to house (=ghar-ghar):—ghar banānā, To build a house; to build up (one's) house, make a home (for oneself); to fix, settle, or establish a family; to settle (oneself); to make (oneself) comfortable; to feather (one's) nest;—to manage a house well (=ghar ćalānā):—ghar-bandī, s.f. A slave born in the house:—ghar-bhāṛā, s.m. House-rent:—gharbhar, s.m. Whole family or household:—ghar baiṭhnā, To sit at home; to be out of employment:—ghar baiṭhnāor baiṭh-jānā(-kā), A house to fall in, or to come down; a family (or house) to be ruined:—ghar-baiṭhe, adv. Seated at home;—at one's ease;—gharbaiṭhe-kīnaukrīor tanḵẖẉāh, A sinecure:—ghar-pattī, s.f. A kind of house-tax (now abolished):—ghar phoṛnā(-kā), To break into a house:—ghar phūṅk tamāshādekhnā, 'To set (one's) house on fire and look on at the sport'; to waste one's substance in idle pleasures:—gharpīćhe, Per house:—ghar jānā, v.n. To go home;—a house (or family) to disappear or be ruined:—ghar-jugat, s.f. Domestic economy:—ghar-jot, s.f. The homestead; the proprietor's own -- 0932 -- cultivation:—ghar-jhaknī, s.f. A woman who goes about to and from the houses of her female neighbours; a gad-about:—ghar-ćalānā(apnā), To keep (one's) house a-going; to provide the expenses for one's household;—to manage a house well:—ghar-dār, s.m. (Dakh.) Household; housekeeping:—ghar-dwār, s.m. Dwelling-place, house; house and home:—ghar-dwārī, s.f. A tax (formerly) levied from householders and shopkeepers; poll-tax; hearthmoney:—ghar̤ ḍubonā, 'To sink the household,' to ruin oneself and family:—ghar ḍūbnā, v.n. House (or family) to be ruined:—ghar-royā, s.m. (f. -ro`ī), A house-mourner:—ghar-sabīl, s.f. An advance of money (to a peasant, etc.) to enable him to build a house for himself:—ghar (or ghar-ko) sir-par uṭhānā, To take upon oneself the management of a house;—to raise the household, to create a disturbance in a house; to make a terrible noise or commotion:—ghar-se be-ghar karnā(-ko), To deprive (one) of house and home; to turn (one) out of doors:—ghar senā, To stick in the house, to keep much at home (cf. ghar-basā):—gharkā, adj. (f. -kī), Of or belonging to the house, family, household, domestic;—one's own; private; familiar:—ghar-kā āṅgan honā, A house to be completely ruined:—ghar-kābhedī, s.m. One who knows the secrets of a house;—a confidant:—ghar-kāghar, s.m. The whole family or household:—ghar-kāmard, s.m. A hero in his own house (or at home):—ghar-kānām ḍubonā, To bring disgrace on the family:—ghar-kattī-kā, adj. Home-spun; homemade:—ghar karnā, To build a house;—to fix, settle, or establish a family; to have a family; to take a wife;—to make an abode or a home (in,—meṅ), take up (one's) abode (in the heart of);—to make (oneself) at home, to be on a familiar footing (with):—ghar khokar tamāshādekhnā, 'To ruin (one's) home and look on at the sport,' to ruin oneself and spend the time in idle pleasures:—ghar-ke-ghar rahnā, To be quits, be even, be as before:—ghar-ke log, or ghar-log, or ghar-ke ādmī, s.m. pl. The housefolk; the family;—the wife:—ghar ghālnā(-kā), To ruin, destroy:—ghar-ghar, adv. To (or in) every house; from house to house; at every house:—ghar-ghusṛū, or ghar-ghusnā, s.m.=ghar-basā, q.v.:—ghar-gayā, or ghar-basā, s.m. One who ruins or destroys a house (see ghar jānā):—ghar-gail, adv. Per house (=ghar-pīćhe):—ghar-meṅpaṛnā, To find place or room in (one's) house; to be lodged or kept in the house (of, -ke); to become the kept mistress (of):—ghar-meṅ ḍālnā(-ko), To keep (a woman as a mistress):—ghar-wās, s.m. Dwelling, abode, habitation:—ghar-wālā, s.m. (f. -ī), Housekeeper, householder; master of a house; husband;—occupant or inmate of a house:—ghar-wālī, s.f. Mistress of a house; wife;—housekeeping:—ghar honā(-se), A happy or comfortable home to be made or formed (by).
Origin: Hindi
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