गो go; गव gava, vulg. gav (used in comp. before words beginning with vowels); and H. गौ gau, or ga`ū(S. gaus), s.m. & f. A bull, an ox; a cow;—cattle, kine;—a herd of cattle;—s.m. pl. Rays of light;—s.m.f. Water;—s.m. Name of a Rishi;—the sacrifice of a cow;—the thunder-bolt;—the sky; heaven, paradise;—the sun; the moon; a member (of the body);—hair (of the body);—s.f. Speech; Sarasvatī, the goddess of speech;—the earth, the world; a mother;—a quarter of the horizon (as east, west, etc.);—the eye;—an arrow;—adj. Got, obtained;—meek, gentle; harmless, inoffensive; simple (e.g. ga`ūbrāhmaṇ):—gavāksha, vulg. gavāksh, gawāććh (˚va+ak˚), s.m. 'A bull's-eye'; an air-hole; a loop-hole, a skylight; a window; lattice;—the light admitted by a window:—gobadh, s.m. The killing of a bull or a cow:—gopāl, s.m. (f. -ī), Cow-keeper, cowherd;—’a protector of the earth,' a king;—the cowherd Kr̤ishṇa (one of the epithets of Kr̤ishṇ);—a proper name (of men):—gopāla-tāpanīya, s.m. Title of an Upanishadin honour of Kr̤ishṇa:—go-pālak, adj. & s.m. (f. -ikā), Having the charge of kine;—protecting the earth;—a cowherd;—a king:—go-pati, s.m. 'The lord of a herd of cows,' a bull:—gau-putr, s.m. 'Son of a cow;' a simpleton; a fool:—go-pad, s.m. =goshpad, q.v. below:—go-paśu, vulg. go-pasu, s.m. A sacrificial cow:—go-paśutā, vulg. go-pasutā, s.f. The condition of a cow about to be immolated:—go-thān, or gau-thān, s.m. The place where the cattle of a village are assembled; a station for cattle; a cow-pen (=gosthān):—gau-than, s.m. A cow's udder:—gojāgarik, adj. (f. -ā, or -ī), Happy, fortunate, auspicious:—go-ćar, adj. & s.m. Ranged or grazed over by cattle;—offering range (or field or scope) for action; within the range (of), accessible, attainable; within the power (of); within sight (of), visible, perceptible; perceived, known;—the range of cattle, pasturage, pastureground; range or reach (of the eye, or the understanding, etc.);—the range (or the conjunction or influence) of the planets;—an object of sense (as sound, shape, etc.);—an object of devotion;—perception; information acquired by the perception of the senses:—go-ćarī, adj.=go-ćar, q.v.:—go-dān, or gau-dān, s.m. The gift of a cow; an offering of a cow:—go-dant, s.m. A cow's tooth;—yellow orpiment;—a white fossil substance (apparently an earthy salt):—go-dohanī, s.f. A milk-pail:—go-duhan, s.m. Milking a cow:—go-dhan, s.m. Possession of cows; property in cattle;—a station of cowherds:—go-dhūlī, s.f. 'Dust of the earth'; sunset (the time at which mist seems to rise from the earth); evening, twilight:—godhenu, s.f. A milch-cow:—go-ras, s.m. Cow's milk; buttermilk; curdled or coagulated milk:—go-rasahā, adj. & s.m. (f. -ī). Reared on cow's milk; one who is reared on cow's milk, a child;—a sodomite:—go-rasī, s.f. A vessel for holding milk, etc.; a milk-pail:—gau-rūp, or gau-rūpī, adj. Cow-shaped; cow-like:—goroćan, s.m., or go-roćanā, s.f. A bright yellow pigment prepared from the urine or the bile of a cow, or vomited in the shape of scibulœby that animal (it is employed in painting and dyeing, and is of especial use in marking the foreheads of Hindūs with the tilakor sectarial mark; it is also used in medicine as a sedative, tonic, and anthelmintic remedy, etc.):—go-sālā, or gausālā, s.f. & m. Cow-shed, cow-house (=go-śālā):—go-sāṅ`īor go-sā`īṅor go-saiṅyāor go-saiyāṅ, s.m.=go-svāmī, q.v. (and see gusāṅ`ī):—go-stan, s.m. Udder of a cow;—a cluster of blossoms;—a nosegay:—go-stanī, s.f. A bunch of grapes; a grape:—go-sthān, s.m. A station for cattle; a cow-stall, cow-house, cowpen (see go-thān):—go-sav, s.m. The sacrifice of a cow (one of the great sacrifices of the Hindūs in former times; but not permitted in Kali-yugor the present age):—go-svāmī, s.m. Master or possessor of cows or of herds; a religious mendicant;—an honorary title affixed to proper names, etc. (see gusāṅ`ī):—go-śāl, or gau-śāl, s.m., or go-śālā, s.f.=go-sālā, q.v.:—gosh-pad (gosh= gos, gen. of go), s.m. A cow's foot or hoof;—mark or impression of a cow's foot;—puddle or water sufficient to fill a cow's foot-mark; a small puddle;—a measure of capacity (as much as a cow's foot-print would hold):—go-shṭha, vulg. goshṭh, s.m. An abode for cattle; cow-house, cow-pen;—any place where animals are kept;—a station of cowherds:—go-shṭhī, s.f. An assembly, a meeting; a society, an association; a confederacy;—family connexions (esp.the dependant or junior branches);—conversation, discourse, dialogue; dispute:—go-karṇ, s.m. A cow's ear;—a species of deer, Antilope picta (syn. nīl-gā`o);—a mule;—a kind of serpent;—a span (from the tip of the thumb to that of the ring-finger);—a place of pilgrimage on the Malabar coast (sacred to Śiva); Śiva (as there worshipped):—go-karṇor go-karan (for gokarṇī), s.f. The plant Aletris hyacinthoides, and its flower:—go-kshur, s.m. The plant Asteracantha longifolia, and Ruellia longifolia, and Tribulus languinosus:—go-kul, s.m. A herd of kine; a multitude of cattle; a cow-station, cow-house;—a village or tract of the Jamna (the country around Vr̤indāvan, the residence of Krishṇduring his youth):—gokul-vāsīor bāsī, -- 0921 -- s.m. (f. -inī), An inhabitant of Gokul:—gau-kos, s.m. A measure of distance (being the distance at which the lowing of a cow may be heard):—gau-ghāṭ, s.f. The side of a river, or a tank, etc. at which cows drink:—go-ghna, adj. & s.m. (f. -īor -ā), Noxious to kine;—he who or that which kills kine; one who has killed a cow:—gau-loćan, s.m.=go-roćan, q.v.:—go-lok, s.m. 'Cow-heaven'; the heaven of Vishṇu, or of Krishṇa:—gau-māṅs, s.m. Cow's flesh, beef:—go-matī, vulg. gomtī, s.f. Name of a river in Northern India (it falls into the Ganges between Banāras and Gāzīpūr);—name of a Vedic hymn (a prayer or formula to be repeated during expiation for killing a cow);—cow-dung:—gomukh, or gau-mukh, s.m. A kind of musical instrument (a sort of horn or trumpet);—a hole in a wall (of a peculiar shape), made by thieves, etc.; a breach (syn. seṅdh):—go-mukhī, or gaumukhī, s.f. The chasm in the Himālaya mountains through which the Ganges flows (erroneously conceived to be shaped like a cow's mouth);—a cloth bag containing a rosary (the beads of which are counted by the hand thrust inside):—go-mutra, or gau-mutr, s.m. Cow's urine (which has to be imbibed in certain kinds of penance):—go-may, s.m. Cow-dung:—go-meda, or go-medak, s.m. A gem or precious stone brought from the Himālaya and the Indus (described as of four sorts,—white, pale yellow, red, and dark blue); a kind of yellowish or tawny gem, a topaz;—go-meda-sannibha, s.m. Chalcedony or opal:—go-medh, s.m. The offering or sacrifice of a cow:—go-nas, s.m. (lit.'having a nose like thatof an ox'), A large kind of serpent, a boa-constrictor:—govardhan, s.m. lit.'Nourisher of kine'; name of a celebrated hill in Vrindāvan, about fifteen miles to the west of Mathurā(it is the Parnassus of the Hindūs; and is said to have been lifted up and supported by Krishṇa upon one finger for seven days, to shelter the cowherds from a storm of rain sent by Indra to test Krishṇa's divinity;—hence Krishṇis called Govardhan-dhar, and Giri-dhar, 'the hill-supporter'):—govardhannāth, s.m. 'Lord of Govardhan,' a name of Krishṇa:—go-vind, adj. & s.m. Obtaining cattle; finding cattle or cows;—a cow-keeper, chief herdsman, one of the most usual appellations of Krishṇa in that form;—a proper name (of a man); name of a mountain;—govind-rām, s.m. A proper name (of a man):—go-hatyā, s.f. The killing a cow (a most heinous crime among Hindūs):—gaveś, or gavīś(˚va+īśa), s.m. (f. -ā), An owner of kine.