◀Previous 200 Entries43751. گمی 43752. گمیتا 43753. گمیتو 43754. گمیہ 43755. گن 43756. گن43757. گنا 43758. گنا 43759. گنا 43760. گنا 43761. گنا 43762. گناكر 43763. گناكر 43764. گنانا 43765. گناہ 43766. گناونا 43767. گنبد 43768. گنبذ 43769. گنبذي 43770. گنبھیر 43771. گنپت 43772. گنت 43773. گنتا 43774. گنتا 43775. گنتھوانا 43776. گنتو 43777. گنتو 43778. گنتی 43779. گنتیس 43780. گنٹا 43781. گنٹا 43782. گنٹہڑا 43783. گنٹہڑي 43784. گنٹهم 43785. گنٹهنا 43786. گنٹهہ 43787. گنٹهوارا 43788. گنٹهي 43789. گنٹهیا 43790. گنٹهیلا 43791. گنج 43792. گنج 43793. گنجا 43794. گنجا 43795. گنجاءشی 43796. گنجاءی 43797. گنجاءی 43798. گنجان 43799. گنجانی 43800. گنجایش 43801. گنجت 43802. گنجرنا 43803. گنجشك 43804. گنجفہ 43805. گنجلیڑگ 43806. گنجن 43807. گنجنا 43808. گنجنا 43809. گنجنی 43810. گنجہ 43811. گنجھا 43812. گنجہار 43813. گنجھیل 43814. گنجور 43815. گنجولنا 43816. گنجی 43817. گنجی 43818. گنجیا 43819. گنجیا 43820. گنجیڑي 43821. گنجیفہ 43822. گنجیلی 43823. گنجیلی 43824. گنجینہ 43825. گنچا 43826. گنچا 43827. گند 43828. گندا 43829. گندا 43830. گندا 43831. گندا 43832. گندانا 43833. گندر 43834. گندروالا 43835. گندروپن 43836. گندري 43837. گندڑوالا 43838. گندك 43839. گندك 43840. گندگی 43841. گندگی 43842. گندم 43843. گندمی 43844. گندنا 43845. گندہ 43846. گندہ 43847. گندها 43848. گندهار 43849. گندهاوٹ 43850. گندهرب 43851. گندهربنی 43852. گندهرو 43853. گندهروي 43854. گندهك 43855. گندهكی 43856. گندهنا 43857. گندهہ 43858. گندهوانا 43859. گندہی 43860. گندهیل 43861. گندهیلا 43862. گندوڑا 43863. گندي 43864. گندي 43865. گندیري 43866. گندیلا 43867. گندیلا 43868. گنڈ 43869. گنڈ 43870. گنڈ 43871. گنڈ 43872. گنڈ 43873. گنڈا 43874. گنڈا 43875. گنڈاسا 43876. گنڈاسی 43877. گنڈرارا 43878. گنڈرالا 43879. گنڈري 43880. گنڈسا 43881. گنڈك 43882. گنڈك 43883. گنڈگی 43884. گنڈلا 43885. گنڈلی 43886. گنڈمالا 43887. گنڈہ 43888. گنڈهو 43889. گنڈهیلا 43890. گنڈي 43891. گنڈي 43892. گنڈي 43893. گنڈیا 43894. گنڈیري 43895. گنڈیلا 43896. گنڑسا 43897. گنك 43898. گنك 43899. گنكا 43900. گنكاٹا 43901. گنكٹا 43902. گنكی 43903. گنگ 43904. گنگ 43905. گنگ 43906. گنگا 43907. گنگا 43908. گنگاءی 43909. گنگال 43910. گنگالا 43911. گنگریا 43912. گنگن 43913. گنگنا 43914. گنگناپن 43915. گنگناٹ 43916. گنگنانا 43917. گنگناہٹ 43918. گنگھی 43919. گنگوٹی 43920. گنم 43921. گنمٹ 43922. گنن 43923. گنن 43924. گنن 43925. گننا 43926. گننیہ 43927. گنہ 43928. گنهاٹ 43929. گنھانجنی 43930. گنہون 43931. گنو 43932. گنواءی 43933. گنواءین 43934. گنوار 43935. گنوارپن 43936. گنوارو 43937. گنواري 43938. گنوان 43939. گنوانا 43940. گنوانا 43941. گنواهی 43942. گنواو 43943. گنور 43944. گنورو 43945. گنوري 43946. گنونت 43947. گنوي 43948. گنویلا 43949. گنوین 43950. گنی ▶Next 200 Entries
गुण guṇa, vulg. guṇ, and H. गुन gun, s.m. A string or thread; a rope; a track-rope; string (of a musical instrument); bow-string; (in Geom.) chord (of an arc);—(suffixed to a numeral) fold, times (e.g. do-guṇ, 'two-fold, double'; das-guṇ, 'ten-fold')—(in Arith.) multiplier; multiplication (=guṇā); product (in multiplication);—a secondary element, a subordinate or unessential part (of an action, etc.);—a quality, peculiarity, property, attribute; power, faculty; a good quality, excellence, merit, virtue; good character; goodness, kindness, favour, benefit; skill, cleverness; sense, understanding;—cause, reason;—mode, method, manner; species;—benefit, advantage, good, gain;—excess;—remission or abatement (of a disease, etc.);—a property of humanity, an ingredient or constituent of nature (three of which are particularized, viz. Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas, or 'goodness, passion, and darkness,' or 'virtue, foulness, and ignorance'); (hence, in Hindūpoetry) a term for the number three;—(in Gram.) a secondary or subordinate gradation of a vowel (opp. to vr̤iddhi):—guṇ-ābād, or gun-ābād, s.m. corr. of guṇāvād, q.v.:—guṇākar, vulg. gun-ākar (˚ṇa+āk˚), s.m. A mine or multitude of merits; one endowed with all virtues;—a name of Buddha Śākya-muni, the founder of the Buddhist religion;—an epithet of Śiva;—adj. (f. -ā), Possessing all excellences; endowed with all virtues:—guṇāgār, vulg. guṇ-āgār (˚ṇa+āg˚), s.m. The abode or receptacle of good qualities or virtues; one endowed with all virtues; a person of surpassing excellence (syn. guṇākar, and guṇ-nidhān):—guṇāguṇ(˚ṇa+ag˚), s.m. Merit and demerit; virtues and vices; excellences and blemishes (of;—syn. guṇ-dosh):—guṇānuvād (ṇa+an˚), s.m., and guṇāvād (˚ṇa+āv˚), s.m. Reciting the perfections and excellences (of), extolling, glorifying; eulogizing, eulogy, lauding, laudation;—gratefulness, thankfulness, thanks;—guṇānuvād karnā, or gānā(-kā), To hymn the praise (of), to extol, to glorify; to eulogize, laud, etc.:—guṇāvādī, s.m. (f. -inī), One who recites the perfections, etc. (of another), extoller, praiser, etc.:—guṇāyan, vulg. gun-āyan (-ṇa+ay˚), s.m. (f. -āor -kā), One who goes in the path of virtue, a virtuous person:—gun-bāćak, s.m. corr. of guṇ-vāćak, q.v.:—guṇ-bhraṅś, s.m. The loss of good qualities or merits:—guṇ-phal, or gun-phal, s.m. (in Arith.) A multiple:—guṇa jna, vulg. gunagya, s.m. (f. -ā), One who knows how to judge (of men and things),recognizer of merit, appreciator of the worth (of); a friend (of virtue):—guṇa-jnātā, vulg. guṇ-gyātā, s.m.=guṇa-jna, q.v.:—guṇ-ćhāṅḍnā(-kā), To pass over the good qualities (of):—guṇa-davulg. guṇad (f. -ā), and guṇ-dāyak (f. -ikā), adj. Imparting excellence, or virtue, or benefit, etc.; beneficial, profitable; improving; efficient:—guṇ-dosh, s.m. Good qualities (or properties) and bad; merits and demerits; virtues and vices:—guṇ-dharm, s.m. The virtue (or duty) incident to the possession of certain qualities (e.g. clemency is the virtue and duty of royalty, etc.):—guṇdenā(-ko), To impart excellence or goodness (to):—to benefit, profit;—to be effective, to have effect (=guṇkarnā);—to multiply (a number, into, -meṅ):—guṇ-sāgar, adj. & s.m. Endowed with all good qualities;—an ocean of good qualities; one endowed with all virtues; an epithet of the Supreme Being:—guṇ-stuti, s.f. Praising, lauding; eulogy, encomium, panegyric:—guṇ-kāpalṭādenā(-ko), To return a favour, repay a benefit:—guṇ-kārak (f. -ikā), or guṇ-kārī(f. -iṇī), adj. Productive of good qualities, profitable, beneficial, salutary, helpful; fit; effective, effectual;—guṇ-kārī, adj. -- 0916 -- & s.m.=guṇ-vān, or guṇī, qq.v.:—guṇ-kārīhonā= guṇkarnā(-ko), To be profitable or beneficial (to), to benefit, to improve, etc. (=guṇdenā, q.v.):—guṇ-khān, s.m. A mine of excellence or merit; a very excellent, or skilful, or learned person (syn. guṇākar, gunāgār):—guṇ-gāth, vulg. gun-gāth, s.m., or guṇ-gāthā, vulg. gun-gāthā, s.f. Statement of the qualities (of a person or thing, whether in praise or dispraise):—guṇ-gān, s.m. Singing the virtues or excellent qualities (of); praising, eulogizing; praise, laudation, eulogy, panegyric;—guṇ-gān karnā(-kā), To sing the praises (of);—to celebrate in song; to laud, eulogize, etc.;—to prattle or crow (as infants):—guṇ-gāhak, or guṇ-grāhak (f. -ikā), or guṇ-grāhī(f. -inī), adj. & s.m. Appreciating or discerning merit or qualities; doing justice to the good qualities (of); patronizing learning;—one who appreciates merit or good qualities;—a seeker after knowledge:—guṇ-mān, adj. (f. -matī) = guṇ-vān, q.v.:—guṇmānnā(-kā), To acknowledge a favour or benefit; to be grateful (for):—guṇ-may, adj. (f. -ī), Consisting of merits or virtues; abounding in excellences referable to the three fundamental qualities:—guṇ-nāśak, adj. & s.m. (f. -ikā), Destroying qualities, or virtues, etc.;—a destroyer of qualities; neutralizer; antidote:—guṇ-nidhān, s.m. 'Treasury or depository of good qualities'; a person of great excellence or merit (syn. guṇākar, and guṇāgār, qq.v.):—guṇ-vāćak, vulg. gun-bāćak, s.m. (in Gram.) Any word indicating a quality or attribute; an adjective:—guṇ-vāćan, s.m.=guṇ-vāćak, and guṇ-vād, qq.v.:—guṇ-vād, s.m. Pointing out (or celebrating) good qualities or merits:—guṇ-wālā, or gun-wālā, adj. & s.m. (f. -wālī) = guṇ-vān, q.v.:—guṇ-vān, or guṇ-want (f. -vatī), or gun-wantā(f. -ī), adj. & s.m. Endowed with good qualities, or virtues, or merits, or excellences; excellent, perfect;—meritorious; virtuous; worthy; accomplished, skilful, able;—an excellent person; a perfect man; a saint; an accomplished scholar; a skilful or clever person (syn. guṇī):—guṇ-viśeshaṇ, s.m. (in Gram.) An attributive; an adjective, an epithet:—guṇ-auguṇ, s.m.=guṇāguṇ, and guṇ-dosh, qq.v.:—guṇ-hīn, adj. (f. -ā), Void of properties or attributes;—void of merit, void of good qualities or endowments:—guṇeśvar (˚na+īś˚), s.m. lit.'Lord of the three (fundamental) qualities'; name of a mountain (supposed by some to be Ćitrakoṭin Bundelkhaṇḍ).