gumān[Pehl. gumān; Zend vī-manaṅh; S. िव+मनस् ], s.m. Doubt, distrust, suspicion; surmise, conjecture; (in comp.) thinking; suspecting (e.g. bad-gumān, q.v.s.v. bad);—opinion, fancy, notion, supposition, imagination;—presumption; probability;—conceit, pride, haughtiness:—gumān-bharā, adj. (f. -ī), Full of conceit, puffed-up, proud:—gumān barnā, or gumān lānā, To think, imagine, suppose, believe, fancy, conjecture;—to doubt; to suspect, to mistrust;—to show pride, be conceited or proud:—gumān le-jānā(-par), To run away with the idea (of); to have suspicion (against):—gumān hai, The supposition, etc. is; it is supposed, etc.; it is expected; it is probable or likely.
Origin: Persian