गलना galnā[Prk. गलणअं; S. गलनीयं , rt. गल् ], v.n. To drop, fall (as fruit, flowers, or plaster from a wall, etc.); to leak, to run or ooze; to sweat; to sink (as a pier or a well, etc.); to melt, dissolve; to be or become dissolved; to be boiled or cooked till soft (meat, vegetables, etc.); to waste away, to become emaciated or lean (from sickness or grief, etc.); to be wasted, be thrown away, be dissipated or squandered; to be forfeited, be lost (as a stake, etc.); to decay; to putrefy, rot, become rotten; to fall away, to perish; to vanish, cease, become extinct;—to be frozen or frost-bitten;—to be sold in great quantities:—gal-jānā, v.n. intens. of and=galnā.
Origin: Hindi