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गज gaj, s.m. An elephant; one of the eight elephants of the quarters (=dig-gaja); (hence) a symbolical term for the number 8;—a measure of two cubits, a yard; a yard measure (cf. P. gaz); a ramrod:—gajānan (˚ja+ān˚), adj. & s.m. Elephant-faced;—the elephant-faced one, an epithet of Gaṇeśa:—gaj-bandhan, s.m. A chain for binding an elephant to a post:—gajbandhanī, s.f. A post to which an elephant is bound:—gaj-pāl, s.m. Keeper (or driver) of an elephant:—gaj-pati, s.m. The lord or keeper of elephants, a title given to a Rājāor king;—an elephant-driver;—a large stately elephant; the leader in a drove of elephants:—gaj-dant, s.m. An elephant's tusk; ivory;—an epithet of Gaṇeśa (cf. gajā-nan):—gaj-rāj, s.m. 'King or lord of elephants'; a noble elephant, a particularly large elephant; the leader in a herd of elephants:—gaj-rath, s.m. A chariot drawn by an elephant; chief chariot:—gaj-gāh, s.m. A string composed of several tassels (made of the hair of a species of ox) suspended as an ornament from an elephant's neck (or fastened to a horse's ears, and extending on both sides to the saddle):—gaj-gamanī, or gaj-gāminī, or (dialec.) gaj-gaunī, adj. Having an elephant's gait; moving stately (as an elephant); stately, majestic, graceful (applied to the gait of a woman):—gaj-mukh, s.m.=gajā-nan, q.v.:—gaj-manih, or gaj-molī, s.m., or gaj-muktā, s.f. Elephant-gem; elephant-pearl; a large pearl (it is a popular idea of the Hindūs that the finest pearls are found in the heads of elephants):—gaj-nāl, s.m. A large gun or cannon:—gaj-vīthī, s.f. 'The course of the elephant'; the Milky Way:—gajendra (˚ja+in˚), s.m. A chief among elephants; a large or noble elephant.