गांहक gāṅhak, s.m. corr. of gāhak, q.v. P H گاو gā`o, gā`u, (followed by iẓāfator a vowel) gāv[Pehl. go; Zend gāo; S. गो; Prk. गउओ, गउआ, गाओ], s.m. A bull, an ox, a bullock;—s.f. A cow:—gā`o-paćhāṛ, s.m. A peculiar sleight by which an antagonist is thrown in wrestling (as an ox is thrown down by a butcher; cf. qasaiyā-dāv);—gā`o-palang, s.m. A camelopard, a giraffe:—gā`o-takya, s.m. A large pillow or bolster which supports the back of a person sitting:—gā`o-ćarā`ī, s.f. Grazing cattle; pasture-ground;—charge for grazing;—a tax levied on pasture-land:—gā`o-ḵẖāna, s.m. House or stall for cattle; cow-pen; cow-shed;—place where dead cattle are flayed:—gā`o-ḵẖẉurd, adj. Broken to pieces, ruined, destroyed:—gā`o-dum, adj. Thick at one end and thin at the other; tapering, sloping;—s.f. A cow-tail; anything tapering; a cone; a pyramid;—a trumpet; a tube;—acclivity, descent:—gā`o-dosh, s.m. A milking-pail;—a churn:—gā`o-dīda, s.m. lit.'Ox-eye'; a kind of bread of the shape of an ox-eye:—gā`o-zabān, s.f. A kind of bread of a long shape resembling neats' tongues;—the plant ox-tongue, bugloss:—gāv-ě-zamīn, s.m. The bull on whose horns the earth is fabled to rest:—gā`o-zorī, s.f. Violence, brutality:—gā`o-sār, or gā`o-sar, s.m. The club or mace of Farīdūn:—gā`oshumārī, s.f. Enumeration (or census) of cattle;—a tax upon cattle:—gā`o-shīr, s.f. The (medicinal) gum of the opoponax tree; gumresin:—gāv-ě-’ambar, s.f. The sea-cow (from which the Persians suppose ambergris to come):—gā`o-kushī, s.f. Killing a cow or an ox; slaughtering cows:—gā`o-mesh, s.m. & f. A buffalo.
Origin: Hindi