डोरा ḍorā[ḍor, q.v.+Prk. अओ=S. अ+कः], s.m. Thread, string, cord, etc. (=ḍor, q.v.);—line, streak (syn. līk, rekhā; see āṅkh-kā ḍorābelow); stream, line (of descending fluid; syn. dhār; e.g. ghī-kā ḍorā); edge (of a sword, etc.; syn. dhār); a prolonged or full-toned sound or note (see ḍore ḍālnā):—ḍorā ḍalnā(-meṅ), To string, to thread (a needle, etc.):—ḍore ḍālnā(-meṅ), To stitch (a quilt), to quilt; to braid (the hair); to spread a net, lay a snare; to utter a prolonged or full-toned sound or note (e.g. kis ćiṭṭī-ne ḍore ḍāle, ṭukre ho ho lāl laṛāhai, 'what female Amaduvade uttered its prolonged notes, that the male has fought so desperately'):—āṅkh-kā ḍorā, s.m. A streak of blood in the eye, vessels distended with blood in the tunica conjunctivaof the eye (from intoxication, or cold, etc.), a blood-shot eye:—gardan-kā ḍorā, s.m. Venus's necklace; a graceful motion of the neck in dancing.
Origin: Hindi