डबना ू ḍūbnā[ḍūb˚, per met.= būḍ˚= Prk. बुड्ड(इ)=S. ोुड(ित), rt. ोुɬ], v.n. To dive; to sink, drown, be drowned; to drown oneself; to be immersed, be submerged, inundated, deluged, or flooded; to be lost, be sacrificed (as capital, reputation, etc.); to be destroyed, be ruined; to sink, go down, set (as the sun); to sink, faint (as the heart); to be absorbed, be engrossed, be lost (in business, or study, or thought, etc.):—ḍūb-jānā, v.n. intens. of and=ḍūbnā:—ḍūb-marnā, v.n. To be drowned, die by drowning; to drown oneself.
Origin: Hindi