ćīn (fr. ćī-dan, rt. Zend ćī= S. ći), part. act. & s.m. (in comp.) Gathering, picking, collecting;—gatherer, picker, etc.;—s.f. Fold, plait, pucker, crease, wrinkle:—ćīn-abrūhonā, ćīn ba-jabīn honā, To have a wrinkle on the brow, to frown, knit the brow:—ćīn-par ćīn honā, To be covered with wrinkles or folds of fat, to become wrinkled (from fat):—ćīn-ě-peshānī, s.f. A frown:—ćīn ḍālnā(-meṅ), To pucker, crease:—ćīn lenā(-meṅ), To gather, to crumple:—ćīn mānnāormān-jānā, To accept rebuke, to acquiesce in or submit to blame or loss.
Origin: Persian