छः, छ ćha [Prk. छ; S. षष् ], adj. Six:—ćha-būṅdiyā, s.m. lit. 'Having six spots'; a kind of noxious insect which has six spots on its back:—ćha-dām, s.m. A denomination of money equal to six dām or two damṛī, the fourth part (properly, six twenty-fifths) of a paisā(or about sixteen cowries):—ćha-ras, s.m. Six tastes (see ras):—ćha-sāt, s.m. Prank, trick, cheating, jugglery (cf. tīn-pāṅć):—ćha-kaliyā, s.m. An angarkhāor coat, the front and back of which are made of six pieces:—ćha-koniyā, adj. Having six corners or angles, hexagonal:—ćhagun, ćha-gunā, adj. (f. -ī), Six-fold:—ćha-gunī, s.f. A child's coral:—ćha-mātrā, adj. Containing six mātrās, q.v.:—ćha-māsrā, adj. & s.m. (f. -ī), Of six months, six months old;—a boy or child six months old:—ćha-māhī, adj. & s.f. Sixmonthly, half-yearly, occurring once in six months;—half-yearly payment or salary; a ceremony, etc. occurring once in six months:—ćha`oṅor ćhahoṅ(obl. plur. of ćha; cf. ćah-ūṅ), adj. The six, all six, the whole six.
Origin: Hindi