चन्ि ćandra, vulg. ćandr, and ćandar, s.m. The moon; a moon-like spot:—ćandrātap (ćandra+ātapa), s.m. Moonlight;—an open hall, one only furnished with a roof; an awning:—ćandrāst (ra˚+as˚), s.m. The setting (or the time of the setting) of the moon:—ćandr-bālā, s.f. Large cardamoms:—ćandarbadanī, adj.=ćandr-vadanī:—ćandar-bansī, adj. & s.m.=ćandr-vaṅśī, q.v.:—ćandr-bhāg, s.m. Name of a mountain in the Himalaya in which the river Chenab has its source:—ćandr-bhāgā, s.f. The river Chenab (one of the five streams of the Panjāb):—ćandr-jot, s.f. Moonlight; blue light:—ćandr-dr̤iś, s.m. Phase of the moon; new moon:—ćandr-dūt, s.m. A messenger from the moon (regarded as a deity):—ćandr-dev, s.m. The moon (regarded as a deity):—ćandrrekhā, s.f. A digit of the moon (=ćandrlekhā):—ćandr-reṇu, s.m. lit. 'One who has the dust of the moon'; a plagiarist, a poetical thief:—ćandr-sāgar, s.m. An epithet of kshīrsāgaras the place whence the moon first came:—ćandr-sambhav, s.f. Small cardamoms:—ćandr-kāl, s.m. (Astrol.) Death occasioned by the influence of the moon:—ćandr-kānt, adj. & s.m. Lovely as the moon;—the moon-stone, a fabulous gem (supposed to be formed from the congelation of the rays of the moon and to dissolve under the influence of its light):—ćandr-kantā, s.f. The wife of the moon; the night:—ćandr-kalā, s.f. A digit or onesixteenth of the moon's disc; a lunar crescent;—a kind of dhotī, or petticoat (worn by women):—ćandr-gupt, s.m. 'Moon-protected'; the fabled registrar of Yama's court:—ćandrgrahaṇ, s.m. A lunar eclipse:—ćandra-gol, s.m.=ćandr-manḍal, q.v.:—ćandr-lekhā, s.f. A digit of the moon;—the plant Serratula anthelmintica;—a species of metre:—ćandrlok, s.m. The sphere or heaven of the moon:—ćandr-mukh, ćandra-mukhī, adj. Moon-faced, etc. (=ćandr-vadan, q.v.):—ćandr-malik, s.m. The white chrysanthemum:—ćandr-maṇi, s.m. The moon-gem (=ćandra-kānt, q.v.):—ćandrmanḍal, s.m. The orb or disc of the moon; the lunar sphere; a halo round the moon:—ćandrmaulī, adj. & s.m. 'Moon-crested';—the mooncrested one, an epithet of Śiva:—ćandr-wālā, s.f.=ćandr-bālā, q.v.:—ćandropal (ćandr+upala), s.m. The moon-stone (=ćandra-kānta):—ćandr-vadan, ćandr-vadanī, adj. Moon-faced, having a face as fair as the moon:—ćandroday, vulg. ćandruday (ćandra+udaya), s.m. Rising of the moon, moon-rise; an awning, a cloth or sheet spread over the large open courts of Hindu houses upon festive occasions;—a mercurial preparation used in medicine; a kind of collyrium:—ćandr-vallarī, s.f. The moonplant, Asclepias acida; rue:—ćandr-vimb, vulg. ćandr-bimb, s.m. The disc of the moon:—ćandr-vindu, s.m. The nasal sign ◌ँ(seldom used in Hindī, the anuswārbeing used instead):—ćandr-vaṅś, s.m. The lunar race, a certain race or dynasty of Kshatriyas who claim descent from the moon:—ćandr-vaṅśī, vulg. ćandr-bansī, adj. & s.m. Of or appertaining to the lunar race;—one of the lunar race or dynasty:—ćandr-hār, s.m. A necklace composed of circular pieces of gold, silver, etc., or of white stone beads worked with gold, etc. (vulg. ćandan-hār):—ćandr-hās, s.m. lit. 'Deriding the moon'; a glittering scimitar.
Comments: 1
do we have a word chandar bose چندربوس