ćand[old P. ćant; Pehl. ćand; Zend. ćvant, rt. ću; S. िचयत् ], adj. How much? how many? how often? how long?—so many; several, some, a few, sundry; (in comp.) quantity, as much or many, times, fold (e.g. du-ćand, 'twofold'):—ćand dar ćand, adj. & adv. Several, various; exceeding, excessive; many times, many fold:—ćand-rozā, adj. Of or for a few days, ephemeral, temporary, transitory, transient:—har-ćand, har-ćand-ki, adj. Much as, with all that, so much the more; although, notwithstanding, nevertheless, however.
Origin: Persian