िचन्त ćint, = S چنتا िचन्ता ćintā,s.f. Thought, consideration, reflection; attention; recollection; care, concern, anxiety, solicitude; doubt, suspense;—risk, peril, danger, fear:—ćintā-par, adj. & s.m. Thoughtful, anxious;—an anxious person:—ćinṭā-kārī, adj. Thoughtful, anxious, careful:—ćintākarnā(-kī), To think (of), to engage in reflection, to reflect (on); to be anxious or uneasy (about):—ćintākul (ćintā+ākula), adj. Disturbed in thought, distracted by any idea:—ćintā-maṇi, s.m. A fabulous gem (supposed to yield its possessor all desires):—ćintā-vat, ćintā-vān, adj. Thinking, thoughtful, etc. (=ćintā`e-mān, q.v.):—ćintā-veśman, s.m. Council-house, council-room:—kućh ćintānahīṇ, There is no cause for auxiety; it does not signify; no matter.
Origin: Hindi