चुल्लू ćullū, िचल्लू ćillū, चल्लू ćallū[Prk. चुल्लउओ; S. चुल्लुकः], s.m. The palm of the hand hollowed so as to hold water, etc.; a mouthful (of water); a handful (of any liquid):—ćullū-bhar, s.m. As much (water, etc.) as can be contained in the hollowed palm of the hand, a handful (of any liquid):—ćullū-bhar pānī-meṅ ḍūb-marnā, lit. 'To drown oneself in a handful of water'; to be greatly or unreasonably abashed:—ćullū-ćullūsādhnā, To sip;—to acquire a habit of drinking by gradual increase; to become gradually rich:—ćullū-se pīnā, v.t. To drink (water, etc.) out of the hollowed palm:—ćullūlenā(-kā), To rinse the mouth before and after eating, etc.:—ćullū-meṅullūhonā, To become as stupid as an owl (or to become intoxicated) with a mouthful.
Origin: Hindi