चलन ćalan, s.m. Going, proceeding, departing; course, procedure, process; gait, carriage; manner of life, conduct, behaviour, mien, deportment; habit, custom; ceremony; way, fashion, manner, mode; currency (of money); method, management (of expenditure, etc.), economy;—adj. Tremulous, shaking; unsteady; customary, fashionable, current:—ćalan ćalnā, v.n. To proceed in a course, etc.; to behave:—ćalan-se, adv. After a good fashion or manner, with propriety, carefully; methodically, with good management, economically:—ćalanhār, adj. & s.m. About to go or depart; about to decamp or abscond; about to die, moribund;—one who is about to depart, etc.