◀Previous 200 Entries21115. چاچر 21116. چاچوز 21117. چاچی 21118. چادر 21119. چادرہ 21120. چار21121. چار 21122. چار 21123. چار 21124. چارا 21125. چارا 21126. چارپاءی 21127. چارتا 21128. چاردہ 21129. چاردهم 21130. چارك 21131. چارم 21132. چارمی 21133. چارمی 21134. چارمین 21135. چارمین 21136. چارمین 21137. چارن 21138. چارن 21139. چارنا 21140. چارہ 21141. چارہ 21142. چارو 21143. چارو 21144. چارو 21145. چاروا 21146. چارواك 21147. چاروان 21148. چاروانك 21149. چارولی 21150. چاروي 21151. چاڑ 21152. چاس 21153. چاسا 21154. چاسنا 21155. چاسنی 21156. چاسی 21157. چاش 21158. چاشت 21159. چاشنی 21160. چاشنی 21161. چاشی 21162. چاق 21163. چاقر 21164. چاك 21165. چاك 21166. چاكا 21167. چاكر 21168. چاكران 21169. چاكري 21170. چاكڑ 21171. چاكسو 21172. چاكشش 21173. چاكشش 21174. چاكشش 21175. چاكشك 21176. چاكشك 21177. چاكشك 21178. چاكشكھہ 21179. چاكشكھہ 21180. چاكشكھہ 21181. چاكل 21182. چاكنا 21183. چاكھنا 21184. چاكھہ 21185. چاكو 21186. چاكی 21187. چءگانی 21188. چءگڑا 21189. چال 21190. چال 21191. چال 21192. چالا 21193. چالا 21194. چالا 21195. چالاك 21196. چالاكی 21197. چالاكیا 21198. چالان 21199. چالش 21200. چالك 21201. چالن 21202. چالنا 21203. چالنی 21204. چالہ 21205. چالویوهار 21206. چالی 21207. چالی 21208. چالیا 21209. چالیس 21210. چالیسا 21211. چالیسوان 21212. چالیسی 21213. چام 21214. چامر 21215. چامنڈا 21216. چامیكر 21217. چانپ 21218. چانپ 21219. چانپا 21220. چانپنا 21221. چانپی 21222. چانٹا 21223. چانٹنا 21224. چانٹی 21225. چانچر 21226. چانچري 21227. چانچلیہ 21228. چانچھنا 21229. چاند 21230. چاندا 21231. چاندا 21232. چانداین 21233. چاندر 21234. چاندراین 21235. چاندلا 21236. چاندم 21237. چاندن 21238. چاندنا 21239. چاندنی 21240. چاندہ 21241. چاندوا 21242. چاندي 21243. چانڈ 21244. چانڈال 21245. چانڑ 21246. چانك 21247. چانكا 21248. چانكنا 21249. چانكی 21250. چانگلا 21251. چاننا 21252. چاننی 21253. چانہ 21254. چانور 21255. چانور 21256. چانول 21257. چانول 21258. چانین 21259. چاہ 21260. چاہ 21261. چاها 21262. چاها 21263. چاهت 21264. چاهتا 21265. چاهتی 21266. چاهٹ 21267. چاهرا 21268. چاهك 21269. چاهل 21270. چاهنا 21271. چاهنا 21272. چاهو 21273. چاهوان 21274. چاهی 21275. چاهی 21276. چاهے 21277. چاهیت 21278. چاهیتا 21279. چاهیے 21280. چاو 21281. چاو 21282. چاو 21283. چاوش 21284. چاول 21285. چءونكنا 21286. چاي 21287. چاي 21288. چباءی 21289. چبانا 21290. چباولا 21291. چبرچبر 21292. چبرچبر 21293. چبڑچبڑ 21294. چبڑچبڑ 21295. چبك 21296. چبك 21297. چبكنا 21298. چبكنا 21299. چبكنی 21300. چبكیا 21301. چبكیا 21302. چبل 21303. چبلا 21304. چبلاپن 21305. چبلانا 21306. چبماك 21307. چبنا 21308. چبنا 21309. چبنی 21310. چبھانا 21311. چبھاونا 21312. چبھاونا 21313. چبھتا 21314. چبھڑچبھڑ


& P چار चार ćār [Prk. चƣािर=S.चत्वािर, neut. pl. of चतुर् ;—the Pers. ćāris a contrac. of ćahār, q.v.], adj. Four:—ćār abrū, s.m. A kind of dervish who shaves his eye-brows and whiskers:—ćār abrū-kā ṣafāya, s.m. Shaving of the eye-brows and whiskers; shaving of the head, eye-brows, moustache, and beard:—ćār ādmī, s.m. 'Four people'; people (in general); a jury of arbitrators:—ćār aṅkheṅ, s.f. 'Four eyes;' the meeting of the eyes of two people; meeting, interview (=ćār ćashm):—ćār uṅgal, s.m. The breadth of four fingers; a measure equal to that breadth; a palm; a gira, or two and a half inches:—ćār uṅglī, s.f. The hand's breadth:—ćār ā`īna, s.m. A kind of armour (it is so called from four plates of steel which are fixed on the breast):—ćār bālish, s.m. A kind of large cushion (on which the great sit or recline); a throne; a couch, sofa:—ćār bāṅg, adj. Sensible, intelligent; quick, alert:—ćār band, s.m. 'Four fastenings'; joints, members, limbs:—ćār bīsī, s.f. Fourscore:—ćār pā, s.m.=ćār pāya, q.v.:—ćār pāra, adj. Divided into four, four-pieced, four square, in four parts:—ćār-pāya, s.m. 'Four-footed'; a quadruped:—ćār-pā`ī, s.f. A bedstead, a bed; a litter for carrying the sick;—ćār-pā`ī-par paṛnā, v.n. To take to (one's) bed; to become sick, be confined to (one's) bed:—ćār path, s.m. A crossing of two roads, a quadrivium:—ćāri pad, s.m. The four feet of religion, viz. truth, purity, beneficence, and mercy:—ćār-tār, ćārtāra, s.m. lit. 'Having four strings'; a lute with four strings:—ćār tuḵẖm, s.m. A mixture of four kinds of seeds (tuḵẖm-ě-raiḥān, isbag̠ol, bālanga, and ḵẖurfa) used as a cure for dysentery:—ćār tag, s.f. Full gallop;—adv. At full gallop:—ćār ṭūk, adj. Broken (into four pieces):—ćār-jāma, s.m. A kind of saddle made of cloth (lit.of four folds) and without a tree:—ćār ćāle, s.m. The going (and returning) of the bride and bridegroom to their respective homes four times in the month after marriage:—ćār ćashm, s.f.=ćār āṅkheṅ, q.v.;—adj. Faithless, inconstant (=totā-ćashm):—ćār ćand, adj. Fourfold, four times (as much), quadruple:—ćār ḥarf, 'Four letters' (of execration); abuse:—ćār-ḵẖāna, adj. & s.m. Chequered, checked;—chequered cloth; checked muslin; cloth ornamented with squares; tripe (of a ruminant):—ćār-dāṅt, s.m. lit. 'Four teeth'; a four-year old (=ćār-sāl):—ćār-dāṅg, s.m. The four quarters of the globe:—ćār din, s.m. lit. 'Four days,' a few days (e.g. ćār din-kīzindagīhai):—ćār-din-kā, adj. For a few days, temporary, fleeting, transient:—ćār-dīwārī, s.f. A courtyard, enclosure, area; a wall round a town, ramparts;—ćār-dīhāt, s.m. An estate formed of the land belonging to four villages:—ćār-zānū, s.m. A mode of sitting (like that of a tailor at work);—ćār-zānūbaiṭhnā, v.n. To squat, to sit cross-legged:—ćār-sāl, s.m. A four-year old (horse):—ćār-sū, s.m. A crossroad, two roads crossing each other; a square or court;—adv. On all sides, all round:—ćārshāna, adj. Tough, hardy, lusty:—ćār-shamba, s.m. Wednesday:—ćār-ẓarb, adj. Sensible, intelligent, shrewd (a slave):—ćār t̤araf, adv. On all sides, all round, everywhere:—ćār-qab, s.m. An article of dress so called, a kind of vest;—a kind of mirror;—ćār kāg̠aẕ, s.m. The proceedings in a law-suit, viz. the plaint, defence, replication, and rejoinder:—ćār-konī, s.f. A square, a quadrangle;—ćār-konī-kī ćārolī, s.f. The kernel of the Chironjia sapidaor Buchanania latifolia:—ćār-khūṅṭ, s.m. The four quarters of the globe, the whole world (=ćār-dāṅg):—ćār-gunā, adj. Fourfold, four times;—ćār-mag̠z, s.m. A walnut;—an earthen ball with which children play:—ćārnaz̤ar, ćār-naz̤areṅ, s.f.=ćār-ćashm; ćār-āṅkheṅ, q.v.:—ćāroṅ, adj. The four, the whole four, all four:—ćāroṅavasthā, s.f.=ćāroṅdaśā, q.v.:—ćāroṅ āśram, s.m. The four religious orders among Hindūs:—ćāroṅpadārth, s.m. The four chief things, viz. arth, dharm, kām, andmoksh:—ćāroṅjug, s.m. The four yugasor epochs of the world, viz. the Satyaor Krita, Treta, Dwāpar, and Kālī:—ćāroṅ-ćūl barābar, adv. All square:—ćāroṅḵẖāne ćit, adv.=ćāroṅshāne ćit, q.v.:—ćāroṅdaśā, s.f. The four states ofman; the four states of a student of the Vedāntaphilosophy, viz.waking, sleeping, unconsciousness, and absorption into the one universal spirit of Brahma:—ćāroṅdiśā, adv. On all sides, all round, everywhere:—ćāroṅshāne ćit, adv. At full length, on the back, sprawling:—ćāroṅt̤araf, adv.=ćāroṅdiśā, ćāroṅor, qq.v.:—ćāroṅqul, Four verses of the Qǒr`ān (used as a charm):—ćāroṅor, adv. On all four sides, all around, in all directions:—ćāroṅvarṇ, s.m. The four chief castes among the Hindūs:—ćāroṅved, s.m. The four Vedas:—ćār-yār, s.m. The four successors of Mohammad, viz. Abū-bakr, Omar, Osmān, and `Alī:—ćār-yārī, s.m. A sect of Musalmānswho venerate equally the four successors of Mohammad (the term is applied by the Shī`asto the Sunnīs):—ćār-yārī-kārupayā, s.m. A square silver coin (used as a charm to discover a thief):—ćār-yak, ćār-ek, s.m. One part out of four, a fourth part.
Origin: Hindi
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