पीटना pīṭnā[pīṭ˚= Prk. िपट्ट(इ) or िपट्टे(इ), fr. S. िपƴ, perf. part. pass. fr. rt. िपष् +nā= anā= Prk. अणअं=S.अनीयं ], v.t. To beat, thrash, thump, strike, knock, dash; to punish, chastise; to thresh; to comminute; to pound; to beat the breast (usually with the word ćhātī, as ćhātīpīṭnā; hence) to mourn, to weep and wail; to toil hard, drudge, slave:—pīṭ-ḍālnā, v.t. (intensive), To beat or thrash soundly; to give (a thing) a good dusting:—pīṭ-lenā, v.t. To scrape together or to earn (with difficulty).
Origin: Hindi