paidā[Zend paiti+dayā, rt. dī; S. prati+rt. dhī], part. adj. Born, created, generated, produced; invented, discovered, manifested, manifest, exhibited; procured, acquired, earned, gained;—s.f. That which is earned, earnings, gain, profit, income; interest; emoluments; perquisites, bribes (syn. yāft):—paidākarnā, v.t. To bring into being, to create, make, form, produce, give rise to, occasion; to raise, bring forth, breed, hatch; to originate, invent, discover; to find; to procure, acquire, earn, gain, realize:—paidāhonā, v.n. To be born; to be created, etc.; to arise, spring up, be produced; to be found; to be earned, etc.
Origin: Persian