फूंकना phūṅknā[phūṅk˚= Prk. फुक्क(इ) or फुक्के(इ), fr. S. फूत् +कृ;+nā= anā= Prk. अणअं=S. अनीयं ], v.t. To blow, blow on (with the breath); to puff; to blow (a wind instrument); to blow up (fire, etc.); to set on fire, inflame, kindle; to blow or breathe a charm or incantation:—phūṅk-denā, v.t. (intensive), To blow away; to waste, squander, run through (wealth, etc.); to blow up (fire), to set fire to, to kindle, inflame; to grieve, afflict, distress, torment;—to puff up, to flatter; to breathe (into one's ear), to influence (one against another); to spread abroad (a report, etc.):—phūṅk-phūṅk-ke pāṇw dharnā, v.n. To tread or walk carefully; to act or proceed carefully or cautiously.
Origin: Hindi