फल phal, s.m. Fruit; produce, product, crop, yield; offspring, children; return, requital, recompense; gain, profit, advantage; result, effect, consequence; inference, corollary; (in Arith.) the quotient; the answer (of a problem, riddle, etc.); the area or superficial contents (of a figure); the fulfilment (of an omen);—the iron head (of a spear, arrow, etc.); the blade (of a sword, knife, etc.); a ploughshare; a shield; a kind of fragrant berry and drug (commonly called kakoli); a nutmeg:—phalāpekshā(phala+apekshā), s.f. Regard to results, expectation of consequences:—phalāśī(phala+āśī), adj. & s.m. Feeding or living on fruits;—any creature that lives on fruits:—phal ānā, v.n. Fruit to appear; to bear fruit:—phal-āhār, s.m. Taking a slight repast, eating fruits, parched corn, etc. for a meal;—a repast of fruits, etc.:—phal-bujhawwal, phalbujhauwal, s.m. A boys' game (called also mankelā: 'think of a number; double it; add ten to it; take five from it, etc.: how much remains? Twenty-one:' the number was eight):—phal-bhog, s.m. Enjoyment of consequences; possession of rent or profit, usufruct:—phal-bhogī, adj. & s.m. Enjoying fruits or consequences; receiving profits;—one who reaps consequences, profits, etc.:—phalpāk, s.m. The ripening of fruit; the fulness of consequences;—the tree and fruit Carissa carandas (com. called karaundā);—phalpākāntā(i.e. pāka+antā), s.f. An annual plant which dies after bearing fruit:—phal pānā(-kā), To reap the fruits or consequences (of), to reap the reward (of), to get one's deserts:—phalprāpt, part. adj. Obtaining the consequences (of actions), rewarded, recompensed; punished:—phal-prāpti, s.f. Obtaining (the desired) fruit or result; enjoying the consequences (of actions):—phal-phalārī, phal-phalālī,phalphalyārī, phal-phalairī, s.f. Fruits of various kinds, fruitage:—phal-pūr, s.m. lit. 'Full of kernels'; the common citron:—phal phalnā, v.n. To bear fruit:—phal-tār, s.m. The fruitbearing tāṛ, the female palm:—phalatr̤ika, phala-traya, s.m. 'Fruit-triad'; three sorts of fruit collectively (the fruit of the vine with those ofGrewia asiaticaor Xylocarpus granatumand Gmelina arborea); the three myrobalans:—phal-janak, adj. Fruitful, fruitproducing, prolific:—phal-ćamas, s.m. The bark of the Indian fig-tree (ground and eaten with curds by way of penance):—phalada, phalad, phal-dātā, phal-dātr̤i, phaldā`ī, phal-dāyak, adj. & s.m. Yielding or bearing fruit; bringing profit or gain; yielding a result or consequence; giving a reward; fertile; profitable, advantageous, useful, efficacious;—one who rewards; a benefactor;—phalada, phalad, s.m. A fruit-tree; a tree:—phal-dār, adj. Fruit-bearing, fruitful:—phal denā, v.n. To yield fruit:—phal-siddhi, s.f. Acquiring fruit, reaping fruit, realizing an object; a prosperous issue:—phal-sampat, phal-sampad, s.f. Abundance of fruit; good result; success, prosperity:—phal-śreshṭh, s.m. 'Best of fruits,' the mango:—phal-kāmnā, s.f. Desire of a result or consequence:—phal-kar, s.m. Produce of trees and orchards; profits or revenue arising from the fruit-trees on an estate:—phal-kr̤ishn, s.m. The fruit of the Carissa carandas (syn. karondā):—phal-koshak, s.m. The scrotum or testicles:—phal-khanḍan, s.m. The destruction of fruits; frustration of results; disappointing:—phal-keśar, s.m. 'Having fruit for hair'; the cocoa-nut tree:—phal-grahi, adj. Fruitful, bearing fruit in due season:—phal lānā, v.n. To bring forth fruit:—phal-vān, phalvat, phal-vant, adj. Bearing fruit, fruitful; yielding results or consequences:—phalottamā(phala+uttamā), s.f. 'Best of fruits,' a kind of grape without stones; the highest recompense, viz. that arising from sacred study:—phaloday (phala+udaya), s.m. Coming forth or appearance of fruit; profit, advantage, gain; appearance of consequences or results; consequence, result, recompense, reward; punishment:—phaloddeś(˚la+ud˚), s.m. Regard to results:—phala-hāni, s.f. Loss of fruit or profit:—phal-hīn, adj. Void of fruit, yielding no fruit, fruitless:—phale-ruhā, s.f. The trumpetflower, Bignonia suaveolens.