पूवर् pūrva, vulg. pūrv, pūrb, adj. & s.m. Being before or in front (of), fore, first, foremost; east, eastern, easterly, eastward, to the east (of); previous (to), earlier (than); prior, anterior, former, preceding, bygone, antecedent; initial;—adv. In front (of); before, prior (to), beforehand; at first, formerly, aforetime; immemorially:—pūrv-avastḥā, s.f. Former condition; antecedents:—pūrvābhimukh (˚va+abh˚), adj. Turned towards or facing the east, looking eastward:—pūrvābhyās (˚va+abh˚), s.m. The repetition of what precedes, former practice or experience:—pūrvādhi-kārī(˚va+adh˚), s.m. Prior owner, former proprietor:—pūrvārdha (˚va+ar˚), s.m. The first half; front or upper part; eastern part:—pūrvashārhā(˚va+ash˚), s.f. The first of two constellations called Ashāṛhā; the eighteenth or twentieth nakshatra or lunar asterism (containing two stars, one of which is δSagittarii):—pūrvāhna (˚va+ah˚), s.m. The earlier part of the day, morning, forenoon:—pūrva-bhādrapadā, s.f. The twenty-sixth nakshatra or lunar mansion (containing two stars):—pūrva-purush, s.m. 'The primeval soul,' an epithet of Brahma;—a forefather, ancestor:—pūrva-parvat, s.m. The eastern mountain from behind which the sun is supposed to rise:—pūrva-paksh, s.m. The forepart or side; the first half of a lunar month, the fortnight of a waxing moon;—an assertion, proposition; the first side or part of an argument, a primâ facie argument or assertion; the first objection to an argument; the statement of the plaintiff:—pūrva-phalgunī, s.f. The eleventh nakshatra or lunar mansion (figured by a conch and containing two stars one of which is δLeonis):—pūrva-ja, pūrvaj, adj. & s.m. Born or produced before or formerly, former; elder, first-born; ancient, primeval; born in the East, Eastern;—an elder brother, elder; an oriental:—pūrva-jā, s.f. An elder sister;—an ancestress;—a woman of the East:—pūrva-jās, s.m. pl. The deified progenitors of mankind; ancestors, forefathers:—pūrva-janma, s.m. Former birth, former state of existence or life:—pūrva-ćinti, s.f. First thought; foreboding, presentiment;—name of an Apsaras:—pūrvadisā, pūrva-diś, pūrva-diśā, pūrva-dik, s.f. The eastern region, east quarter:—pūrva-deś, s.m. The eastern country, the eastern part of India:—pūrva-deśī, s.m. An inhabitant or a native of the eastern part of India (=pūrbī, and pūrbiyā):—pūrva-deh, s.m. A former body, a former birth:—pūrva-dehik, adj. Belonging to a former state of existence; done in a former existence:—pūrva-rātra, s.m. The earlier, or first part of the night; yesternight:—pūrva-samudra, s.m. The eastern sea:—pūrva-sandhyā, s.f. The early dawn:—pūrva-sūćak, s.m. One who relates a forgotten circumstance, a reminder:—pūrva-śaila, s.m.=pūrva-parvat, q.v.:—pūrv-kāl, s.m. Earlier time, former time; (in Gram.) past time:—pūrv-kālik, adj. Belonging to former times, ancient; (in Gram.) belonging to past time, or to future time;—s.m. The present participle (in Gram.):—pūrv-kālīn, adj. Belonging to former times, ancient:—pūrvakr̤it, adj. Done formerly or in a prior existence:—pūrva-ga, pūrva-gāmī, adj. & s.m. Going before, preceding;—forerunner, preceder, predecessor:—pūrv-gaṅgā, s.f. The Narbada river (formerly called the Ganges):—pūrva-lakshaṇ, s.m. Indication of something about to occur (as sickness, etc.):—pūrvamīmāṅsā, s.f. An inquiry into the first or ritual portion of the Veda (=karma-mīmāṅsā):—pūrva-nirūpaṇ, s.m. Predestination:—pūrvanivāsī, s.m. An ancestor; an inhabitant or a native of the East:—pūrva-vādī, adj. & s.m. Speaking first, stating his case in the first instance;—complainant, plaintiff:—pūrvottar (˚va+ut˚), s.m. The north-east:—pūrva-vat, adv. As before, as heretofore, formerly:—pūrvavartitā, s.f. = pūrva-vartitva, s.m. Priority, precedence:—pūrva-vartī, adj. & s.m. Existing before, preceding, prior, previous;—one who is in the presence of another:—pūrvokt (˚va+uk˚), adj. Said before, before-mentioned, aforementioned (syn. maẕkūr).