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पन pan, पिन pani; contraction of pānī, 'water' (used in comp.):—pan-badrā, s.m. Rain and sunshine:—pan-bhattā, s.m. Boiled rice steeped in water (used for drinking):—panbharā, s.m. A man who fills water-vessels, or supplies water to a house:—pan-tol, s.m. The science of Hydrostatics:—pan-ćakkī, s.f. A water-mill:—pan-ćal, s.m. The science of Hydro-dynamics:—pan-ćorā, pan-ćūrā, s.m. lit. 'Water-stealer'; a narrow-mouthed vessel of earth or copper with one or more small holes in the bottom (used by the followers of Aristotle to illustrate the horror vacui: when it is filled with water and the mouth stopped no water flows from the hole below:�. It is also used as a plaything by children):—pan-ḍubbā, s.m. A diver; the ghost of a person who has been drowned;—a water-fowl:—pan-ḍubbī, pan-ḍubī, s.f. A diver, water-fowl, coot, etc.:—pansā, adj. lit. 'Water-like'; watery, insipid, tasteless, vapid:—pan-sāl, s.m.=pan-sālā, s.f.=pan sallā, s.f. A stand where water is kept for and distributed to travellers, wateringplace:—pan-kāl, s.m. Scarcity of water, drought;—famine caused by excess of rain:—pan-kapṛā, s.m. A soft wet cloth for application to a wound or sore:—pan-kukrī, pan-kūkṛī, s.f.=pan-kavvāor pan-kauwā, s.m. An aquatic bird, the purple coot, Porphyris poliocephalus; a water fowl:—pan-gaćā, s.m. A field covered and saturated with water:—pan-goṭī, s.f. The chicken-pox:—pan-ghāṭ, pan-ghaṭā, pani-ghaṭ, s.m.=pan-ghaṭ, s.m. A place for drawing water; a well, or tank, etc. from which water is drawn or taken; a passage to a river, river-steps:—panmār, s.m. Soil submerged by floods and rendered unfit for cultivation; low lands where water lodges; a crop ruined through excess of rain:—pan-melā, s.m. The man who distributes water to the beds of a garden or field as it is taken from a well:—pan-hārā, pani-hārā, panhyārā, pan-hārī= pan-harā, s.m. A man carrying water-pots on his head, a water-bearer;—panhāran, pani-hārin, pan-hārinī, pan-hārnī= panhārin, s.f. A woman carrying waterpots on her head.
Origin: Hindi
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