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िपण्ड, िपंड pinḍa, vulg. pinḍ, s.m. A round mass, heap, quantity, cluster, collection, lump, ball, globe, knob; a round button; the body, person; a ball or lump of food, mouthful, morsel; food, sustenance, livelihood; a cake or ball of meal or flour offered to the manes, a funeral cake; an oblation to deceased ancestors (a ball or lump of meat or rice mixed up with milk, curds, flowers, etc. and offered at the several śrāddhsto the manes by the nearest surviving relations);—the dimension of thickness (in Geom.):—pinḍādhikārī, vulg. pinḍ-adhikārī, s.m. The superintendent of a funeral (usually the nearest relation) to whom belongs the right of presenting the funeral cake:—pinḍālu (pinḍa+ālu), s.m. The fruit of Trewia nudiflora (of Linn.) or Rottlera indica (of Willd.);—an esculent medicinal root (described as sweet cooling, and diuretic);—yam; sweet potato:—pinḍ-bhākpinḍ-bhāgi, s.m. One who partakes of, or one who is entitled to a share of, the funeral cake:—pinḍpaṛnā(ke), To stick closely (to); to follow persistently, to pursue, to be bent (on); to be intent (on):—pinḍ-pushp, s.m. The tree Jonesia asoca, and its flower;—the China rose;—a lotus;—the flower of the plantTabernœmontana coronaria:—pinḍ-pushpak, s.m. A kind of potherb, Chenopodium album:—pinḍ-phalā, s.f. A bitter gourd:—pinḍ-tailak, s.m. Incense, olibanum:—pinḍa-ja, pinḍaj, s.m. (f. ā), Any creature born of or with a body:—pinḍćhuṭnā(-ke), To escape (from), to be rid (of):—pinḍ ćhuṛānā(-ke), To shake off, to be rid or quit (of), to escape (from), to avoid:—pinḍa-da, s.m. The relation who presents the funeral cake to the manes of a deceased ancestor:—pinḍ-dātāor pinḍ-dātr̤i= pinḍa-da, q.v.:—pinḍ-dān, s.m. The offering of the obsequial cake:—pinḍ-rog, s.m. Sickness from the time of birth; general debility and wasting of the body, marasmus; leprosy:—pinḍ-rogī, adj. & s.n. Sickly from birth, constitutionally diseased; suffering from marasmus;—a valetudinarian; one who is afflicted with marasmus; a leper:—pinḍ-kharjūr, vulg. pinḍ-khajūr, pindi-khejūr, s.m. The wild date tree; a cluster of fresh dates:—pinḍ-gos, s.m. Gum-myrrh:—pinḍ-mustā, s.f. A species of grass, Cyperus pertenuis;—pinḍ-mūl, pinḍ-mūlak, s.m. The carrot, Daucus carota:—pinḍ-vīj, vulg. pinḍ-bīj, s.m. The flowering shrub Oleander odorum.
Origin: Hindi
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