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पञ्जor पंच paṅća, vulg. paṅć, adj. & s.m. Five;—an assembly of (originally) five men, assembly, meeting, council; a body of arbitrators, court of arbitration; a jury;—a member of a court of arbitration, arbitrator, umpire, judge;—the head man of a caste; the head man of a village;—panćoṅ, panćau (and in Braj), panćan, s.m. pl. (of panć), Associates, companions, friends:—paṅćādhyay (paṅća+adh˚), s.m. Five readings, sections, or chapters:—panćādhyā`ī, panćādhyā, s.f. The aggregate of five chapters of the Bhāgavat Purāṇ, detailing the sports of Kr̤ishṇawith the milkmaids:—panćāgni (panća+agni), s.m. A collection of five fires amidst which certain Hindūdevotees perform penance during the hot season (viz. one fire placed respectively east, west, north, and south of them, the sun overhead being the fifth);—five mystic fires supposed to be present in the body:—panćāmr̤it (panća+am˚), s.m. A mixture consisting of milk, curds, sugar, ghī, and honey;—the aggregate of any five drugs of supposed efficacy:—panćāmla (˚ća+ām˚), s.m. The aggregate of five acid plants, viz. the jujube, pomegranate, sorrel, spondias, and citron:—panć-indrī, s.m.=panćendriya, q.v.:—panćāng (˚ća+an˚), adj. & s.m. Five-limbed, five-membered; having five parts or subdivisions;—five limbs or members of the body; five modes of devotion (viz. silent prayer, burnt offering, libations, bathing idols, and feeding Brahmans);—a calendar or almanac treating of five things, viz. solar days, lunar days, the periods of asterisms, Yogas, and Karaṇas;—reverence or obeisance made with the arms, knees, head, voice, and look:—panćānan (˚ća+ān˚), adj. & s.m. Five-faced; an epithet of Śiva; a lion (often used at the end of names of learned men to express respect);—panćānanī, s.f. An epithet of Durgā, the spouse of Śiva:—panć-bandh, s.m. A fine equal to the fifth part of anything lost or stolen:—panć-bhadra, adj. & s.m. Having five good qualities;—a sauce or condiment of five good ingredients; a horse with five auspicious marks or spots (viz. on the chest, back, face, and flanks):—panć-bhūt, s.m. The five elements, earth, air, fire, water, and aether or space;—panć-bhūt-ātmā, adj. & s.m. Consisting, or formed of, the five primary elements;—an epithet of any individual human being:—panć-pātra, s.m. Five cups or vessels collectively;—a śrāddhin which offerings are made in five vessels;—a small vessel with which water is poured over the idol while worshipping:—panć-prāṇ, s.m. The five vital airs of the body:—panć-parṇī, s.f. A species of small shrub:—panć-piriyā, s.m. One who (whether Hindūor Mohammadan) worships the five saints (pīr) of the Mohammadans:—panć-pallav, s.m. The aggregate of five sprigs or young shoots of the spondias, rose-apple, bel, citron, and wood-apple;—a medical preparation from the same:—panć-panć-nakh, s.m. The five kinds of animals allowed to be killed and eaten, viz. the hare, the porcupine, the alligator, the rhinoceros, and the tortoise:—panć-pīr, s.m. The five pīrsor Mohammadan saints (worshipped by most Hindūsas well as Musalmāns):—panć-tapā, s.m. An ascetic who in the hot weather sits between four fires placed towards the four quarters with the burning sun above (cf. panćāgni):—panć-tatva, vulg. panć-tat, s.m. The five elements (=panć-bhūt, q.v.);—the five essentials of certain rites (all beginning with ma, viz.), madya, 'wine,' māṅs, 'meat,' matsya, 'fish,' mudrā, 'mystic intertwining of the fingers,' and maithun, 'sexual intercourse':—panć-tīrthī, vulg. panć-tīrath, s.f. Any five chief places of pilgrimage;—bathing on the day of the Equinox:—paṅć-jan, panć-janya, s.m. The five kinds or classes of beings, viz.gods, men, Gandharvas and Apsaras, serpents, and manes:—paṅć-janī, s.f. An assemblage or aggregate of five persons:—panća-daś, vulg. panća-das, adj. Fifteenth:—panća-dhā, adv. In five ways; in five parts; five-fold:—paṅć-rātra, adj. & s.m. Lasting five nights or days;—a period of five nights;—name of a sacrifice which lasts fivedays;—a general term for the sacred books of various Vaiśnav sects:—paṅć-rāśik, adj. & s.m. Relating to the five ratios or proportions of numbers;—the rule of five, double rule of three:—paṅć-ratn, s.m.
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