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panj[Z. paṅćan; S. paṅćan], adj. Five; (in gaming) cinque; (in horse-dealer's idiom) seven years old:—panj-āb, s.m. 'Five waters or rivers'; the land of five rivers, the Panjāb (situated to the north-west of Hindūstān):—panj-ābī, adj. & s.m. Of or belonging to the Panjāb;—an inhabitant or a native of the Panjāb;—s.f. The language spoken in the Panjāb:—panj-angusht, s.m. Cinq-foil:—panj-āyat, s.f. The five chapters of the Qor`ānwhich are read during the period of mourning of a Musalmān:—panj tan-i-pāk, s.m. The five holy persons, viz. Mohammad; 'Alī; Fātimah; Hasan; Husain:—panj-sāl, s.m. Five years; a five-year old (horse):—panj-sāla, adj. Of five years, quinquennial; five years old:—panj-sūra, s.m. Five sūrasor chapters of the Qor`ān; a stone on which five sūrasof the Qor`ānare engraved (and which is used as a charm):—panj-shāḵẖa, s.m. A sort of link or torch with five branches for lights (=panja; panjī):—panj-shamba, s.m. Thursday:—panj `aib, s.m. The five vices (of a horse); a very vicious horse;—adj. Very vicious;—panj `aib-i-shara`ī, s.m. The five vices or sins, viz.robbery; adultery; gaming; drunkenness; falsehood;—adj. & s.m. Very vicious;—one who is very vicious, one who is addicted to the five vices:—panj-gāna, adj. & s.m. Five-fold;—the prayers appointed for five periods of the day:—panj-ganj, s.m. The five senses; the five stated daily prayers (=panjgāna); any collection of five things:—panjgunā, panj-gosha, adj. Five-fold, quintuple; five cornered, pentangular:—male-panj, adj. Turned five, or ten years old (a horse):—naye panj, adj. Under five years old (a horse).
Origin: Persian
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