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pusht [Zend, parsh; S. पृ Ƶ], s.f. The back; the outside; support, prop, assistant, second; protector, patron; generation, descent, extraction; ancestors, progenitors:—pusht ba pusht, adv. Generation by generation, from generation to generation:—pusht-i-pā, s.f. The instep:—pusht-i-pāmārnā(-par), To put away from, to reject, to abandon:—pusht-pāṅw, s.m. The instep; an inflammation or phlegmon on the upper surface of the foot:—pusht-par rahnā(-kī), 'To be at the back (of),' to back, to support steadily:—pusht-par likhnā(-kī), To write on the back (of), to endorse; to address (a letter):—pusht-panāh, s.f. Refuge, asylum; supporter, ally:—pusht-ḵẖār, s.m. A claw or scraper of ivory, or wood, etc. (shaped like the human hand) with a long handle, to scratch the back:—pusht-ḵẖam, adj. Hump-backed:—pusht dar pusht, adv.=pusht ba pusht, q.v.:—pusht-i-dastko kāṭnā, v.n. 'To bite the back of the hand' (through vexation, etc.); to suffer regret or remorse, to regret, be sorry for:—pusht-i-dast mārnā(-par) = pusht-i-pāmārnā, q.v.:—pusht denā, v.n. To turn the back, to flee, run away, turn tail:—pusht-i-qadam, s.f. The top of the foot, the instep.
Origin: Persian
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