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pas[Pehl. paś; Z. paśća; S. paśća], adv. After, behind; at length, in fine, finally; so, then, therefore, wherefore, then surely, assuredly, consequently:—pas-andāz, s.m. Economy; savings, something laid by for old age or a rainy day;—pas-andāz karnā(-meṅ), To economize (in the matter of); to save, lay by:—pas-pā, adj. With the legs behind; crosslegged; sitting cross-legged:—pas-pākarnā, v.t. To drive back, repulse, put to flight:—paspāhonā, v.n. To decline; to fall behind or in the rear; to slink behind; to retreat, to flee; to desist (from an attempt):—pas-ḵẖẉurda, s.m. Leavings; offal:—pas-rau, s.m. Follower; dependants, retinue, train, equipage;—pasrau`ī, s.f. Following:—pas-g̠aibat, adv. In one's absence, behind one's back:—pas-kash, s.m. Recoil, rebound; pas-mānda, part. adj. & s.m. Remaining behind; remaining over;—a surviving person, survivor; surplus, savings:—pas o pesh, s.m. lit. 'Behind and before'; here and there; evasion, shuffling, prevarication; hesitation, indecision;—pas o pesh karnā, v.n. To shuffle, prevaricate, boggle; to hesitate, demur, doubt.
Origin: Persian

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