ूकृित pra-kr̤iti, vulg. prakr̤it, s.f. The original or natural form (of anything), natural condition or state, original, primary substance; cause, original source; origin, extraction, descent; nature, character, constitution, disposition, habit, temper, temperament; rule, scheme, paradigm, pattern, model, standard; (in philosophy) the evolver of all material appearances, the originant or original source of the material world; (in Myth.) a goddess, the personified will of the Supreme in the creation (identified with Māyāor Illusion, and in an especial manner the prototype of the female sex); (in Gram.) the crude or elementary form of a word, an uninflected word; (in Arith.) a coefficient, multiplier; (in Anat.) temperament, the predominance of one of the humours at the time of generation;—the constituent elements of a State; a king's ministers; the subjects of a king, citizens, artizans, etc. (In some systems of Hindūphilosophy prakr̤itiis considered the same with the Supreme Being):—prakr̤iti-taral, adj. Naturally changeful, volatile, fickle; dissolute, voluptuous:—prakr̤iti-jṅān, vulg. prakr̤iti-gyān, s.m. The knowledge of nature, etc. (see prakr̤iti):—prakr̤iti-stha, adj. Being in the original or natural state, natural, genuine, unmixed, unadulterated; healthy, in good health; inherent, innate; bare, stripped of everything.