ूकाश pra-kāś, adj. & s.m. Visible, manifest, clear, evident; open, public, conspicuous; noted, renowned, famous, notorious; illumined, bright, shining;—clearness, brightness, brilliance, lustre, splendour; light, daylight, sunshine; display, pomp, grandeur; manifestation, appearance, revelation, publicity, disclosure, elucidation; expansion, diffusion;—adv. Openly, publicly, manifestly, aloud:—prakāśpānā, v.n. To obtain publicity, to come to light, to transpire, to obtain notoriety:—prakāśkarnā(-kā), To make known, to disclose, reveal, declare;—prakāśkarnā(-ko), To illumine, make manifest, display; to indicate, point out, make clear:—prakāś-mān, adj. Becoming manifest, appearing, bright, brilliant, splendid, radiant:—prakāśhonā, To be manifest; to be illumined, be elucidated:—prakāś-hīn, adj. Destitute of light, etc. (see prakāś).