पुरुष purush, s.m. Man (collectively or individually), mankind; a man, human being; a male; person; the height, stature, or measure of a man (=purus, purs, q.v.); the soul and original source of the universe; the human soul or spirit; the Supreme Spirit or Soul of the universe, Supreme Being, God:—purushādhikār (˚sha+adh˚), s.m. Manly office or duty, the proper function or sphere of a man:—purushādham (˚sha+adh˚), s.m. 'Lowest or vilest of men,' a low or base person, vile man, an outcast:—purushārth (˚sha+artha), s.m. Any object of human pursuit; any one of the four objects or aims of man or of the soul (viz. kāmor the gratification of desire; arthor the acquisition of wealth; dharmor the discharge of duty; mokshor final emancipation); human effort or exertion:—purushāśī(˚sha+āś˚), s.m. Man-eater, cannibal, a rākshas:—purushāntar (˚sha+an˚), s.m. Another or succeeding generation; another who is a man (a mere man); a treaty stipulating that the affairs of the one party shall be settled by warriors selected from both parties:—purushānukram (˚sha+anu˚), s.m. Lineal succession:—purushāyu (˚sha+āyu), s.m.f. Duration of a man's life, age of man, life or lifetime of man, human existence:—purushbodhak, adj. (in Gram.) Masculine:—purushbhāv, s.m. The special disposition of males;—purush-jātī, s.m. The male sex, men:—purushdveshī, adj. & s.m. Man-hating, misanthropic; ill-tempered; fractious;—man-hater, misanthrope:—purush-dveshiṅī, s.f. An illtempered or fractious woman:—purush-dhan, s.m. Property belonging to the man or husband (opp. to strī-dhan, 'the wife's property):—purush-siṅh, s.m. Lion of a man, brave man, hero; an eminent man:—purush-sūkta, s.m. Name of the ninetieth hymn of the tenth Maṇḍalof the Rig-veda (this celebrated hymn, in which the soul or original source of the universe is described, is supposed to be comparatively modern in its diction and allusions):—purush-kār, s.m. Any act of man, manly act, human effort or exertion (com. opp. to fate); manhood, virility; effort, exertion; care:—purush-kesar, s.m. Man-lion, etc.=purush-siṅh, q.v.:—purush-gāmī, s.m. A sodomite:—purush-gaman, s.m. Sodomy:—purush-mātra, adj. Of the height or measure of a man:—purush-mukh, adj. Having the face of a man:—purush-may, adj. Abounding in males:—purush-vāćak, adj. Indicating or belonging to the masculine gender;—purushvāćīsarvnām, s.m. (in Gram.) A personal pronoun:—purushottam (˚sha+ut˚), s.m. Best of men, an excellent or superior man; the highest being, Supreme Spirit, an epithet of Vishṇu or Krishṇa:—purush-varjit, adj. Destitute of human beings, desolate:—purush-vaṅśī, adj. Of or belonging to the race of men.