पृ िथवी pr̤ithivī, पृ थ्वी pr̤ithvī(f. of pr̤ithu), s.f. The wide world, the earth, Earth personified (as the mother of all beings); earth, land, ground, soil; a kind of metre in Sanskrit prosody:—pr̤ithivī-bhuj, s.m. lit. 'Earthenjoying,' a prince, sovereign:—pr̤ithvī-bhar, s.m. A species of the atyasti metre:—pr̤ithvī-pāl, prithvī-pālak, s.m. 'Guardian of the earth,' king, sovereign, ruler:—pr̤ithivī-pati, s.m. 'Lord of the earth,' prince, king, sovereign:—pr̤ithivī-tal, s.m. Surface of the earth, ground, bare ground, the very earth:—pr̤ithivī-kshit, s.m. 'Reigning over the earth,' prince, king, sovereign:—pr̤ithivī-lok, s.m. The earth considered as a world, the terrestrial world:—pr̤ithvī-manḍal, s.m. The circuit or whole surface of the earth:—pr̤ithvī-nāth, s.m. 'Lord of the earth'=pr̤ithivī-pati, q.v.