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ूाण prāṇa, prāṇ, vulg. pirān, s.m. Breathing, breath, respiration, inspiration, expiration, vital breath, vital action, or life; spirit, soul, vitality; a vital organ, organ of sense, vital air; air inhaled, wind;—anyone as dear as the breath of life, any beloved object, sweetheart, mistress;—poetical talent, inspiration; an epithet ofBrahmāthe Supreme Spirit; (in Gram.) aspiration in the articulation of letters:—prān-asthān, s.m.=prāṇ-sthan, q.v.:—prāṇāpahārī(˚ṇa+ap˚), adj. Taking away life, fatal, deadly:—prāṇādhik (˚ṇa+adh˚), adj. 'More than life,' dearer than life; superior in vigour:—praṇādhināth (˚ṇa+adh˚), s.m. 'Lord of life,' husband:—prāṇānt (˚ṇa+an˚), s.m. The end of life, death:—prāṇāntik, adj. Destructive to life, fatal, mortal, capital (as (punishment); dangerous, lasting to the end of life, ending with life;—s.m. Murder, assassination:—prāṇā-yām (˚ṇa+ay˚), s.m. Restraining or suspending the breath, orbreathing in a peculiar way through the nostrils, during the mental recitation of the names and attributes of some deity:—prāṇ-bādh, s.m. Danger to life, fear for life, extreme peril:—prāṇ-bidyā, s.f.=prāṇ-vidyā, q.v.:—prāṇ-pati, s.m. 'Lord of life,' the soul, heart; a husband:—prāṇ-pratishṭha, s.f. 'The imparting life' (to an idol), the ceremony of consecrating an idol:—prāṇ-pradā, s.f. A species of medicinal plant:—prāṇ-priya, prāṇ-pyārā, adj. & s.m. (f. -ī), Dear as life, dear to the soul, dear, beloved; a lover, sweetheart, darling:—prān tajnā, v.n. To abandon or yield up life, to give up the ghost; to lose courage, or spirit, or heart:—prāṇ-tulya, adj. & s.m.=prānsam, q.v.:—prāṇ-tulyā, s.f.=prāṇ-samā, q.v.:—prāṇ-tyāg, s.m. Abandonment of life, expiring, death, suicide;—prāṇ-tyāg karnā, v.n. To yield up life; to commit suicide:—prāṇ ćhuṭānā(-kī), To set the soul free, to kill; to save the life (of); to escape with life:—prāṇ ćhūṭnā, v.n. The breath to flit, or to leave (the body), to die;—to be tired, to be out of breath, to be fatigued, or exhausted:—prāṇ ćhoṛnā, v.n.=prāṇtajnā, q.v.:—prāṇ-dātā, s.m. A life-giver, one who saves another's life:—prāṇ-dān, s.m. The gift of life; saving anyone's life; resigning or laying down life:—prāṇ-danḍ, s.m. The punishment of death, capital punishment;—prāṇ-danḍdenā(-ko), To pronounce sentence of death; to execute the sentence of death; prāṇ-danḍ-kābićār karnā(ke), To try (one) for a capital offence;—prāṇ-danḍkhānā, v.n. To suffer capital punishment:—prāṇ-dhāran, s.m. The support or maintenance of life, sustenance, prolongation of life; a means of supporting life; retaining life, vitality:—prān denā, v.n.=prāṇtajnā, q.v.:—prāṇa-sthān, s.m. Any vital part of the body:—prāṇ-sam, prāṇ-samān, adj. & s.m. Equal to, or as dear as, life;—one who is as dear as life itself, lover, husband (=prāṇ-pyārā; prāṇ-tulya);—prāṇ-samā, prāṇ-sumānā, prāṇ-samānī, s.f. 'Equal to life'; a wife:—prāṇ-saṅyam, s.m. Checking or suspending the breath (as a religious exercise):—prāṇ-grāhak, prāṇ-grāhī, adj. & s.m. Seizing or taking life, destroying;—a destroyer of life:—prāṇ-ghāt, s.m. Destroying life, killing, murder:—prāṇ-ghātak, adj. Lifedestroying, destructive to life, killing:—prāṇlenā(-kī), 'To take the life' (of); to tease to death, worry, harass, persecute:—prāṇ-may, adj. & s.m. Endowed with breath or life, living, breathing;—a living being; prāṇ-may-kosh, s.m. One of the cases or investitures of the soul, the vital or organic case:—prāṇ-nāth, s.m. 'Lord of life,' husband; a lover (=prāṇ-pati); an epithet of Yama:—prāṇ-nāś, s.m. Destruction or cessation of breath; destruction of the life:—prāṇ-nāśak, adj. Stopping the breath; lifedestroying:—prāṇnikalnā(-kī) = prāṇ ćhūṭnā, q.v.:—prāṇ-vān, adj. Having breath or life, breathing, living, animated; possessing power, strong, powerful:—prāṇ-vidyā, s.f. The science of the breath or vital airs; the science of the soul, psychology:—prāṇ-vyay, s.m. 'Expenditure of life,' giving up the ghost, death:—prāṇ-hārak, prāṇ-hārī, prāṇ-har, adj. Taking away life, threatening life, causing death, mortal, deadly, destructive:—prāṇ-yātrā, s.f. Support of life, subsistence:—prāṇeś, prāṇeśvar (˚na+īśa, or īśvara), s.m.=prāṇ-patiand prāṇ-nāth, qq.v.:—prāṇeśā, s.f. 'Queen of life,' a wife (an expression of endearment).