ूाकृत prākr̤it, adj. Original, natural, not artificial, essential,unchanged, unaltered, unmodified; normal, ordinary, usual, common, uncultivated, unrefined, provincial, plebeian, vulgar; vernacular;—s.f. Any provincial or vernacular dialect akin to Sanskrit (especially spoken by the female characters and inferior personages of plays):—prākr̤it-bhāshā, s.f.=prākr̤it, q.v.:—prākr̤it-pralay, s.m. The total dissolution of the world:—prākr̤it-jwar, s.m. Common or usual fever (occurring from affections of the wind in the rainy season, of the bile in the autumn, and of the phlegm in the spring):—prākr̤it-kavi, s.m. The poets who wrote in Prākr̤it:—prākr̤it-mitra, s.m. Natural friend or ally.