पƬ padma, and H. पदम padam, s.m. The lotus-flower, Nelumbium speciosum (often confounded with the water-lily or Nymphæa alba); a lotus-like ornament; a particular mark or mole on the human body; a spot; red or coloured marks on the face and trunk of an elephant; an army arrayed in the form of a lotus; a particular posture of the body in religious meditation; one of the personified treasures of Kuvera; name of a Nāga; a species of fragrant plant; a particular high number, ten billions (according to the Śāstras), or one thousand billions (according to the Dasturu`l-`amalor royal ordinances of Akbar):—padmāṭ(padma+āṭa), s.m. Cassia Tora:—padmāsan (padma+āsan), s.m. A lotus-seat, seat or throne in the shape of a lotus (esp.one on which idols are placed); a particular posture in religious meditation (sitting with the thighs crossed with one hand resting on the left thigh, the other held up with the thumb upon the heart, and the eyes directed to the tip of the nose):—padmākar (padma+āk˚), s.m. Lotus-pool, a large deep tank or pond abounding in lotuses:—padmālayā(padma+āl˚), s.f. 'Whose dwelling is in the lotus,' an epithet of Lakshmī:—padmapattra, s.m. The petal of a lotus;—Costus speciosus:—padma-purāṇa, s.m. Name of a purāṇadescribing the period during which the world was a lotus:—padma-pushp, s.m. The plant Pterospermum acerifolium, or Webera corymbosa:—padma-ćārīṇī, s.f. The small tree Hibiscus mutabilis:—padma-darśan, s.m. Resin of the Pinus longifolia:—padma-rāg, s.m. lit. 'Lotus-coloured'; the ruby:—padmakashṭh, s.m. Name of a fragrant wood used in medicine (and described as cooling and tonic):—padma-kel, s.f. Play with lotuses:—padma-garbha, s.m. 'The lotus-born,' an epithet of Brahma:—padma-mukhī, s.f. A species of prickly nightshade, Alhagi maurorum:—padmottar (padma+ut˚), s.m. The plant Carthamus tinctorius, safflower:—padma-varṇaka, s.m. A species of Costus.