पांचवां pāṅćwāṅ[S. पञ्च+तम], adj. m. (f. pāṅćwīṅ), Fifth:—pāṅćwāṅsawār honā, lit. 'To be the fifth horseman'; to claim company or association with, to put in one's own small claim (the phrase is based on the story of the potter who was riding on an ass behind four horsemen bound for the Deccan, and who, on being asked where the four horsemen were going, replied, 'We fivehorsemen are going to the Deccan'):—pāṅćwīn, s.f. The fifth day of the moon, or of the half month:—pāṅćwe, adv. Fifthly, in the fifth place.
Origin: Hindi