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पांच pāṅć[S. पञ्च], adj. Five; equal to, or as good as, five; sharp, astute:—pāṅćindrī, s.f. The five senses (syn. ḥawāssi-ḵẖamsa):—pāṅć-barsī, adj. Of five years:—pāṅć ćhaṭāṅk, s.m. Toll of five chaṭāṅkin a rupee's worth of rice or paddy (the toll is levied in large cities to defray the expenses of the inspectors of weighmen stationed in the bazars to prevent fraud in the weight and measure of commodities sold therein):—pāṅć-sāt, s.f. lit. 'Fives and sevens'; sixes and sevens, confusion, perplexity:—pāṅć-karma (paṅća karma), s.m. The five actions of the body, viz. 1˚Vomiting; 2˚Evacuation by bleeding; 3˚Evacuation by stool; 4˚Diseased excretion by fæces or purging; 5˚Blowing the nose:—pāṅćoṅ, adj. The five, all five;—pāṅćoṅbhā`ī, s.m. The five Pānḍavprinces, viz. Yudhishṭhir,Bhīmsen, Arjun, Nakul, and Sahdeo:—pāṅćoṅ-bhūtātmā(paṅća-bhūtātmā), s.m. lit. 'Consisting of the five primary elements'; a human being:—pāṅćoṅkapṛe, s.m. The five articles of clothing, viz., 1˚the pagṛīor turban; 2˚the angarkhāor coat; 3˚the pā`e-jāmaor trousers; 4˚the du-paṭṭāor sheet or mantle; and 5˚therūmāl, or handkerchief; a complete suit of clothes:—pāṅćoṅhatyār, s.m. The five arms or weapons, viz. 1˚the ḍhālor shield; 2˚the talwāror sword; 3˚thebarćhīor spear; 4˚the tīror arrow; and 5˚the kamānor bow.
Origin: Hindi
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