Previous 200 Entries11504. پانگا 11505. پانگرا 11506. پاننی 11507. پاننیہ 11508. پانہر 11509. پانو11510. پانوروٹی 11511. پانوڑا 11512. پانوڑي 11513. پانون 11514. پانی 11515. پانی 11516. پانیتی 11517. پانیہ 11518. پاہ 11519. پاهات 11520. پاهان 11521. پاهل 11522. پاهن 11523. پاهن 11524. پاهنا 11525. پاهناءی 11526. پاهنی 11527. پاهو 11528. پاهی 11529. پاهی 11530. پاو 11531. پاو 11532. پاوت 11533. پاوتی 11534. پاوتی 11535. پاوڑي 11536. پاوس 11537. پاوك 11538. پاولا 11539. پاومان 11540. پاون 11541. پاون 11542. پاونا 11543. پاونا 11544. پاوي 11545. پاي 11546. پاي 11547. پایا 11548. پایاب 11549. پایان 11550. پایانی 11551. پایٹھہ 11552. پایچہ 11553. پایز 11554. پایزهر 11555. پایس 11556. پایك 11557. پایك 11558. پاي كار 11559. پایل 11560. پءینا 11561. پاینت 11562. پایندہ 11563. پایہ 11564. پب 11565. پب 11566. پبارنا 11567. پبتر 11568. پبتر 11569. پبترا 11570. پبترا 11571. پبیانا 11572. پبیاهٹ 11573. پبیڑنا 11574. پپاسا 11575. پپاست 11576. پپاست 11577. پپاست 11578. پپاست 11579. پپاسن 11580. پپاسن 11581. پپاسن 11582. پپاسن 11583. پپاسو 11584. پپاسو 11585. پپاسو 11586. پپاسو 11587. پپاسی 11588. پپاسی 11589. پپاسی 11590. پپاسی 11591. پپٹا 11592. پپرماس 11593. پپڑ 11594. پپڑ 11595. پپڑ 11596. پپڑ 11597. پپڑا 11598. پپڑا 11599. پپڑا 11600. پپڑا 11601. پپڑانا 11602. پپڑي 11603. پپڑیانا 11604. پپڑیلا 11605. پپل 11606. پپلانا 11607. پپلك 11608. پپلماس 11609. پپلی 11610. پپنی 11611. پپہا 11612. پپھہ 11613. پپوٹا 11614. پپوٹن 11615. پپولنا 11616. پپولی 11617. پپیا 11618. پپیانا 11619. پپیتكی 11620. پپیلك 11621. پپیلكا 11622. پپیہا 11623. پت 11624. پت 11625. پت 11626. پت 11627. پت 11628. پت 11629. پت 11630. پت 11631. پت 11632. پت 11633. پتا 11634. پتا 11635. پتا 11636. پتا 11637. پتاءی 11638. پتاءی 11639. پتاك 11640. پتاكا 11641. پتاكھا 11642. پتاكھا 11643. پتاكی 11644. پتال 11645. پتامبر 11646. پتانبر 11647. پتءی 11648. پتبرت 11649. پتپتی 11650. پتپڑ 11651. پتت 11652. پتتا 11653. پتتري 11654. پتتو 11655. پتجھڑ 11656. پتدن 11657. پتر 11658. پتر 11659. پتر 11660. پتر 11661. پتر 11662. پتر 11663. پترا 11664. پتراءی 11665. پتراءی 11666. پترانك 11667. پترانك 11668. پترانگ 11669. پترانگ 11670. پترتا 11671. پترتا 11672. پترتا 11673. پترتا 11674. پترتو 11675. پترتو 11676. پترتو 11677. پترتو 11678. پترك 11679. پترك 11680. پتركا 11681. پتركا 11682. پترنگ 11683. پترنگا 11684. پترو 11685. پتروپسكر 11686. پتروپسكر 11687. پترورنہ 11688. پترورنہ 11689. پترویہ 11690. پتري 11691. پتري 11692. پتري 11693. پتري 11694. پتري 11695. پتریا 11696. پتریشٹ 11697. پتریہ 11698. پتك 11699. پتكا 11700. پتكا 11701. پتكی 11702. پتگ 11703. پتگرہ


पांव pāṅw, पांओ pāṅ`o[S. पादः; Prk. पाओ], s.m. Foot; leg; foot-print; basis, foundation, root; footing, foothold; part, lot, portion; interference, meddling; steadiness, decision (istiqlāl); responsibility, liability:—pāṅw utarnā, v.n. The foot to be dislocated:—pāṅw uṭhānā, pāṅw uṭhākar ćalnā, v.n. To go or walk quickly, to step out:—pāṅw uṛānā, v.n. To interfere or meddle (with):—pāṅw ukhāṛnā(-kā), To move (one) from his place, intention, or resolution:—pāṅw ukhaṛnāor ukhaṛjānā, v.n. To lose one's footing, be carried off one's legs; to run away, take to flight; to be routed:—pāṅw bićalnā, v.n. The foot to slip; to lose one's balance; to go wrong or astray:—pāṅw baṛhānā(-meṅ), To take the lead, go ahead; to overstep, exceed bounds; to desist from one's former courses:—pāṅw bhārīhonā, v.n. To be with child, be pregnant:—pāṅw bhar-jānā, v.n. To suffer numbness or heaviness of the feet:—pāṅw bīć-meṅhonā, v.n. To have a finger (in); to have a share (in); to be responsible (for):—pāṅwpāṅw, adv. Afoot, on foot, walking;—pāṅwpāṅw phirnā, pāṅw-pāṅw ćalnā, pāṅw-pāṅw ḍolnā, v.n. To walk, to toddle (a child):—pāṅw-par pāṅw rakhnā, v.n. To walk in the steps (of another); to imitate or adopt the conduct (of another); to place one leg over the other, to sit cross-legged, to sit at ease:—pāṅwpar tesha mār-lenā= apne pānw-meṅ āp kulhārīmārnā, v.n. Of oneself to spoil one's own affair; to injure or ruin oneself, to cut one's own throat:—pāṇw-par girnā(-ke), To fall at the feet (of;—see pāṅw paṛnāand pāṅw pakaṛnā):—pāṅw paṛnā(-ke), To fall at the feet (of), prostrate oneself; to entreat submissively, beseech, implore:—pāṅw pasārnā, v.n. To stretch the legs full length, lie comfortably or at ease, take it easy; to stretch out the legs in death, to die:—pāṅw pakaṛnā(-ke), To lay hold of or seize the feet (of); to fall at the feet (of);—to beseech submissively; to prevent (one) from going:—pāṅw pūjnā(-ke), To worship, or to kiss, the feet (of), to do honour or reverence (to);—to shun, avoid:—pāṅw phūlnā, v.n. The feet to swell; to be tired or weary; to be perplexed, or embarrassed:—pāṅw phūk-phūk rakhnā, v.n. (or phūṅk-phūṅk-ke pāṅw rakhnā), To move cautiously or warily (in), to do anything carefully; to tread softly (as on cinders):—pāṅw phernā, v.n. (A woman) to visit her parent's, or another, house, after childbirth:—pāṅw phailā-kar sonā, v.n. To sleep with the legs stretched out full length; to sleep at ease, or in peaceand security; to be free from care, be perfectly contented and happy:—pāṅw phailānā, v.n. To be full length, or at ease, etc.=pāṅw pasārnā, q.v.;—to raise one's demands; to be importunate; to be insatiable; to insist, be obstinate; to be exacting:—pāṅwpiyāda, adv. Afoot, on foot, walking:—pāṅw pīṭnā, v.n. To stamp with impatience, or anger; to struggle vainly against difficulties; to throw about the legs (in pain, anguish, or the agonies of death):—pāṅw-tale-kī ćyūṅṭī, s.f. lit. 'An ant under the foot'; a poor, helpless, or miserable creature:—pāṅw-tale-kīmaṭṭīsaraknā, pāṅwtale-kīnikalnā, v.n. To feel the ground slipping, as it were, from under one's feet; to be stunned or staggered:—pāṅw-tale malnā, v.n. To trample under foot, to crush; to give pain (to), to annoy:—pāṅw toṛnā, v.n. To wear out one's legs in vain; to be marched or trotted about in vain; to be tired; to desist from visiting (a person); to run vainly after (a person); to visit (one) very often:—pāṅw thartharānā, v.n.=pāṅw kāṅpnā, q.v.:—pāṅw ṭiknā, v.n.=pāṅw jamnā, q.v.:—pāṅw s̤ābit rakhnā, v.n. To persevere firmly (in a course, an enterprise, or a resolution):—pāṅw jamānā, v.n. To plant the feet firmly, to stand firmly; to get a footing or foot-hold:—pāṅw jamnā, v.n. To have a good footing, to stand firmly:—pāṅw-ćappī, s.f. Rubbing or pressing the feet:—pāṅw ćalānā, v.n.=pāṅw uṭhānā, q.v.:—pāṅw ćaljānā, v.n. The foot to slip, or give way; to totter, to become unstable:—pāṅw ćhūṭnā(-kā), To have a flooding (after menstruation, etc.):—pāṅw-dauṛī, s.f. Exertion, effort, endeavour:—pāṅw dharnā(-paror meṅ), To set foot (on); to come (into), step (in), enter; to land: to go or step forward, advance; to prepare (for), enter (upon), to begin:—pāṅw dho-dho pīnā(-ke), lit. 'To drink the water in which one's feet have been washed'; to do honour or reverence (to); to place perfect confidence (in); to show respect or affection (for), to regard with the greatest respect, to look up (to):—pāṅw ḍālnā, v.n.=pāṅw dharnā, q.v.:—pāṅw ḍignā, v.n. The foot to slip or totter; to slip, to lose (one's) footing; to give way (a foundation, an army, etc.):—pāṅw rakhnā, v.n.=pāṅw dharnā, q.v.:—pāṅw ragaṛnā, v.n. To rub the feet together; to go about foolishly and unprofitably; to be in the agonies of death:—pāṅw zamīn-par na ṭhaharnā, v.n. To be unable to stand (through excessive joy), to be unsteady on the feet (through joy):—pāṅw zamīn-par na rakhnā(or, more com., zamīn-par pāṅw na rakhnā), v.n. To tread the air; to walk on stilts; to walk like a swell; to show off:—pāṅw sonā, v.n. The foot to be numbed, the foot to sleep:—pāṅw-se pāṅw bāṅdhnā, v.n. To stick close (to one), to watch (one) closely:—pāṅw-se pāṅw bhiṛānā, v.n. To be near or close (to):—pāṅw qā`im karnā, v.n. To occupy a fixed habitation; to adopt a new resolution:—pāṅw-kāangūṭhā, s.m. The great toe:—pāṅw kāṅpnā, v.n. To have a tremor of the legs; to totter; to fear to attempt anything:—pāṅw-kīuṅglī, s.f. A toe:—pāṅw gaṛnā, v.n.=pāṅw jamnā, q.v.:—pāṅw gale-meṅ ḍālnā(-ke), To convict one by his own arguments:—pāṅw gor-meṅlaṭkānā(or, more com., gor-meṅpāṅw laṭkānā), v.n. To have one foot in the grave; to be advanced in years:—pāṅw g̠hisnā, v.n. The skin of the feet to be rubbed away or worn; to be always on the tramp; to undergo useless labour:—pāṅw laṛkhaṛānā, pāṅw laraznā, v.n.=pāṅw kāṅpnā, q.v.:—pāṅw lagnā, v.n.=pāṅw paṛnā, q.v.:—pāṅw meṅ ćakkar honā, v.n. To be always on the move:—pāṅw-men meṅhdīlagānā, v.n. To apply henna to the feet; to be unable to set foot on the ground:—pāṅw nikālnā, v.n. To show the cloven hoof; to exceed one's proper limits; to betray one's evil disposition; to begin one's pranks; to be a ringleader (in a criminal action); to withdraw (from, -se), back out (of):—ek pā`oṅ-par ḥāẓir honā, v.n. To be ready on one foot; to be ready to start (on an enterprise, etc.); to be ready and willing:—phaṭe-meṅpāṅw denā, v.n. To stand in the breach; to risk one's life (for another):—dabe-pāṅw, adv. Softly, quietly, gently; slily, stealthily, with a cat-like tread.
Origin: Hindi

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