ठीका ṭhīkā, ठेका ṭhekā(see ṭhīk), s.m. Contract; work done by contract or by the job, piece-work; a task, job; hire, fare; license; lease, farm; mortgage; rest (after fatigue); accompanying a singer (on the ḍholor other musical instrument); andante (in music):—ṭhekābajānā(-kā), To play an accompaniment, to accompany a singer (on the ḍhol, etc.):—ṭhekā-bandī, s.f. A lease, a farm; a farm held on lease:—ṭhekā-paṭṭā, s.m. A deed of lease, a document conveying a lease or farm:—ṭhekā-peshgī, s.m. A lease or farm of which the rent is paid in advance:—ṭheke-dār, s.m. Contractor; lease-holder, farmer, lessee; one who farms a license (for the sale of spirituous liquors or the like):—ṭhekādenā(-ko), To give a contract (to), to lease, to let in farm;—ṭhekādene-wālā, s.m. Lessor, grantor:—ṭheke-kā, adj. Taken on contract; hired:—ṭheke-kīmī`ād, s.f. The period for which a contract, etc., is granted; the term for which a lease has to run:—ṭhekālenā(-kā), To take on contract, to contract (for); to lease, farm; to take out a license; to monopolize, engross:—ṭhekā ḥīn ḥayāt, s.m. A lease for the term of one's life.
Origin: Hindi