ठोकर ṭhokar[rt. of ṭhoknā+ar= Prk. अडी=S. र+ई], s.f. A cause of stumbling (as projecting stones, boulders, etc. on a road), obstacle, stumbling-block; tripping or striking the foot against anything; trip, stumble, false step; kick, thump, blow, stroke; shock; loss (in trade, etc.); beating time with the foot; a cowcatcher (syn. ćhāj):—ṭhokar-par mārnā, v.t. To kick away, to spurn:—ṭhokar khānā, v.n. To trip, stumble; to meet with a loss, to suffer misfortune:—ṭhokareṅkhānā, v.n. To trip, etc. (=ṭhokar khānā); to be kicked and knocked about, to be ill-used (by, -kī):—ṭhokar lagnā(-kī), To come into collision (with), to knock (against, an obstacle), to trip, stumble:—ṭhokar mārnā, To kick (against, -par), knock or strike (against); to strike, kick, spurn (with, -ko).
Origin: Hindi