ठण◌़डा ् ṭhanḍā[Prk. ठड्ढओ; S. ःतब्ध+कः], adj. (f. -ī), Cold, cool, chill, bleak; frozen; iced, cooled; refreshed; cold-hearted, insensible; dead; pacified, appeased, soothed, allayed, extinguished, set at rest; still, quiet, calm, tranquil; mild, placid, gentle; impotent, lacking virility; dull, inactive (as a market); free from weeds (as a soil):—ṭhanḍāpaṛnā, v.n. To become cold or cool; to abate or become extinguished (as anger, wantonness, virility, etc.):—ṭhanḍe peṭoṅ, adv. Quietly, peaceably, at peace:—ṭhanḍe-thanḍe, adv. While it is cool, in the cool of the day, in the morning or evening;—at peace, peaceably:—ṭhaṅḍīsāṅs bharnā, v.n. To heave a deep (lit.cold) sigh, to sigh in despair:—ṭhanḍākarnā, v.t. To make cold, to cool; to ice, tofreeze; to extinguish (a light, etc.), to quench, allay; to refresh; to soothe, comfort, assuage;to pacify, appease:—ṭhanḍākarne-wālā, adj. (Med.) Refrigerant:—ṭhanḍīkarāhī, s.f. Sweetmeat (ḥalwā) made at the close of a feast (when the pan is becoming cool):—ṭhanḍīgarmī, s.f. Lukewarmness; a show of love, pretended affection:—ṭhanḍīmaṭṭī, s.f. A stunted growth; an impotent person:—ṭhanḍāhonā, v.n. To become cool or cold, to cool; to rest (after fatigue); to be refreshed; to be extinguished (a light); to be allayed, etc.; to be appeased or pacified; to be comforted; to be subdued or tamed, to submit, yield; to lose virility:—kalejā ṭhanḍāhonā(-kā), To have one's longing, or revenge, etc. gratified; to be avenged; to be satisfied; to be solaced or comforted; to be pleased or happy.
Origin: Hindi