टका ṭakā[Prk. टक्कओ; S. टङ्ककः], A copper coin equal to two pice (paisā); two pice; two pie (pā`ī); (local) a rupee; money, wealth:—ṭakā-bhar, adj. lit. 'As much as a ṭakā'; a little:—ṭakā-bīṛā, s.m. lit. 'Money and betel leaf or pān'; dues paid on the occasion of betrothals and marriages (usually to the proprietor in possession, or to sub-proprietors of estates):—ṭakā-sājawāb, s.m. A ready, pert, or plain answer; a point-blank refusal:—ṭakā-sījān, s.f. A sole individual life without relations or dependants:—ṭake dhaṛīlagānā, v.t. To sell cheap:—ṭake-wālī, s.f. A cheap trull.
Origin: Hindi